OneAgent release notes version 1.213

Rollout start: Apr 8, 2021

With this release, the oldest supported OneAgent versions are:

Standard Support

Enterprise Success and Support



Removed installation parameters

Convert to the newer --set-param=<value> OneAgent installation parameters now. The equivalent PARAM=<value> parameters are not supported by the OneAgent installer starting with version 1.213.

Removed PARAM=<value> parameter
New --set-param=<value> parameter

For more information, see customize OneAgent installation topics for Linux, Windows, and AIX.

Custom OneAgent log directory

You can now define a custom directory for OneAgent log files during OneAgent installation on Linux, Windows, and AIX.

Control auto-injection with OneAgent command line interface

You can now use the oneagentctl command to control OneAgent auto-injection into processes for JMX/PMI extensions in Infrastructure Monitoring mode. For more information, see OneAgent configuration via command-line interface.

Control auto-updates with OneAgent command line interface

You can now use the oneagentctl command to control OneAgent auto-update. For more information, see OneAgent configuration via command-line interface.



  • oneagentzos-R121300.pax is now available

Current Dynatrace OneAgent technology support changes

Dynatrace OneAgent 1.213 is the last version to support the following technologies
  • OpenTelemetry 0.16.0, 0.17.0 for Go

Current Dynatrace OneAgent operating systems support changes

The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 May 2021
  • Linux: Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS 4.3
    • x86-64
    • Last compatible version: 1.213
  • UNIX: IBM AIX 7.2 TL2

Future Dynatrace OneAgent technology support changes

Dynatrace OneAgent 1.215 will be the last version to support the following technologies
  • OpenTelemetry 0.18.0 for Go
Dynatrace OneAgent 1.217 will be the last version to support the following technologies
  • OpenTelemetry 0.19.0 for Go
Dynatrace OneAgent 1.221 will be the last version to support the following technologies
  • OpenTelemetry 0.20.0 for Go
  • OpenTelemetry 0.18, 1.0.0-rc.0, 1.0.0-rc.3 for Node.js
Dynatrace OneAgent 1.227 will be the last version to support the following technologies
  • OpenTelemetry 1.0.0-RC1 for Go
  • OpenTelemetry 1.0.0-RC2 for Go

Future Dynatrace OneAgent operating systems support changes

The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 April 2025
The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 May 2025
The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 June 2025
The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 July 2025
The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 October 2025

Past Dynatrace OneAgent technology support changes

Dynatrace OneAgent 1.209 was the last version to support the following technologies
  • OpenTelemetry 0.13.0 for Go

Past Dynatrace OneAgent operating systems support changes

The following operating systems are no longer supported since 01 July 2024
The following operating systems are no longer supported since 01 November 2024
The following operating systems are no longer supported since 01 December 2024

Other support changes

Resolved issues in OneAgent for z/OS

Build 1.213.00

  • Fixed S0C1 in CICS Agent that occurs when DTAX Fine logging is turned on (ONE-54567)

Resolved issues

General Availability (Build 1.213.144)

The 1.213 GA release contains 20 resolved issues (including 1 vulnerability resolution).

All modules

  • Resolved issue causing underreported reclaimable memory usage on Solaris. (ONE-54597)
  • Fixed rare crash that occurred when injecting OneAgent code module on Windows with no available TLS (thread local storage) indexes. (ONE-53677)
  • Optimized OneAgent stack usage to prevent Oracle HTTP Server worker process crashes. (ONE-55537)


  • OneAgent .NET module now supports .Net 5 specific HttpClient calls GetStringAsync, GetStreamAsync, and GetByteArrayAsync. (ONE-54542)
  • Improved stability of OneAgent .NET code module MSMQ sensor. (ONE-54901)
  • Resolved tagging issues in OneAgent .NET code module. (ONE-54701)

AI causation engine

  • The OneAgent PHP module running in a Kubernetes Pod now correctly reports the name of the base Pod as the web server name of a web request. (ONE-55100)


  • Charts showing the following have been fixed: `Request Count` for WebSphere Liberty servers, and connection pool `Wait Time` and `In Use Time` for WebSphere Application Servers. (APM-282045)
  • Resolved issue with invalid (negative) timestamp being reported when OneAgent was deactivated. (APM-282752)
  • Resolved issue that resulted in failed request for Tomcat key metrics and subsequent error on Tomcat details page. (APM-281383)


  • Resolved issue that caused JVM crash and CTG abend on z/OS when OneAgent was injected. (ONE-53909)
  • Resolved issue in which, after zRemote update, the CICS process group page displayed no data even though the process page showed data. (ONE-56113)
  • Resolved issue causing zRemote crash when trying to log an error message for an invalid transaction. (ONE-55699)

OS module

  • Resolved issue in which file descriptors consumed excessive memory after OneAgent update. (APM-289801)
  • Resolved issue that left `<defunct>` (zombie) processes when external binary execution failed. (APM-288025)

OneAgent Installer

  • Vulnerability: Uninstall cleanup will not remove paths linked to other directories. (APM-283050)
  • OneAgent .NET module injection no longer fails for 32-bit .NET 3.5 applications on 64-bit operating systems. (APM-280549)

OpenTracing Java

  • OneAgent now tries to reconnect to zDC after initialization times out. (ONE-56436)

Plugin module

  • Resolved issue in which HAProxy extension threw a division by zero error when `slim` property was configured to 0. (APM-282030)


  • Fixed calculation of `Requests per second` chart for WebSphere Application Server (WAS) metrics. (ONE-54176)

Update 155 (Build 1.213.155)

This cumulative update contains 4 resolved issues and all previously released updates for the 1.213 release.

Resolved issues


  • Improved stability of OneAgent .NET code module for DevExpress.PivotGrid. (ONE-56782)
  • Improved stability of OneAgent .NET module using custom services on async methods. (ONE-56801)

OpenTracing Java

  • Resolved issue in which OneAgent Java code module on z/OS sometimes did not reconnect. (ONE-56687)
  • Resolved an issue in which the z/OS Java module sometimes did not reconnect with the cluster if a disconnect occurred between the Java module, the zDC, and/or the zRemote. (ONE-56846)

Update 176 (Build 1.213.176)

This cumulative update contains 5 resolved issues and all previously released updates for the 1.213 release.

Resolved issues

All modules

  • Fixed issue that could lead to OneAgent service crashes on some Linux systems. (ONE-57642)


  • Resolved issue in which Azure Functions metadata was not collected with newer versions of the Azure Functions host runtime. (ONE-56857)
  • Improved stability of OneAgent .NET code module monitoring MongoDB client. (ONE-56945)


  • Improved logging for LPAR metrics provider. (ONE-57011)
  • Resolved issue that caused OneAgent CICS and IMS code modules to be unable to connect after a zDC-zRemote reconnect. (ONE-57012)

Update 183 (Build 1.213.183)

This cumulative update contains 1 resolved issue and all previously released updates for the 1.213 release.


  • Resolved an issue in which the zDC and the zRemote could not maintain a connection. (ONE-57831)

Update 192 (Build 1.213.192)

This cumulative update contains 2 resolved issues and all previously released updates for the 1.213 release.

Resolved issues


  • Resolved an issue in which PurePaths started by the OneAgent Azure Functions sensor did not contain linked service calls for newer versions of the Azure Functions runtimes 2.0 and 3.0. (ONE-56729)

Webserver core

  • Resolved an issue in which the OneAgent Apache module calculated the `cputimeSelftime` metric incorrectly. (ONE-57896)

Update 204 (Build 1.213.204)

This cumulative update contains 1 resolved issue and all previously released updates for the 1.213 release.


  • The zDC is no longer allowed to connect if zRemote has not connected successfully with a cluster. (ONE-57999)

OneAgent for mobile resolved issues

General Availability (Build .213)

The .213 GA release contains 6 resolved issues.


  • OneAgent for iOS: improved user inactivity triggered session splitting. (ONE-54972)
  • OneAgent for iOS: Improved startup behaviour. (ONE-53889)
  • OneAgent for iOS: Fixed memory leak related to view controller handling. (ONE-54293)
  • OneAgent for iOS: fixed problem with webrequest path encoding. (ONE-54443)
  • DSS Client: Improved handling of zip files containing multiples dSYM files. (ONE-56088)
  • OneAgent for iOS: fixed crash on iOS 14.0.x related to not available 5G API. (ONE-56280)

OneAgent for JavaScript resolved issues

General Availability (Build .213)

The .213 GA release contains 8 resolved issues.


  • Fixed an issue with missing speed index values. (ONE-57027)
  • Fixed an issue that caused angular route xhr actions to stay open indefinitely. (ONE-57042)
  • Fixed an issue where calculating resources for actions in some edge cases would cause a lot of memory overhead. (ONE-56330)
  • Fixed a bug where "dtPC" cookie would grow in size when page is spam refreshed during load, because Chrome and Safari would occasionally not trigger unload handlers. (ONE-55042)
  • Created a workaround for Illegal invocation errors in late injection scenarios. (ONE-54191)
  • Fixed a bug where the visually complete module wouldn't send resource relevance data after the first action. (ONE-54312)
  • Fixed bug for LargestContentfulPaint to not exceed the action duration. (ONE-54877)
  • Improved performance with angularjs request interceptors. (ONE-57728)