Classic (formerly "built-in") AWS metrics
For information about differences between classic services and other services, see Migrate from AWS classic (formerly "built-in") services to cloud services.
The table below lists all AWS metrics that Dynatrace collects by default when you enable AWS monitoring.
For all other metrics collected by Dynatrace per configurable AWS service, see the cloud services pages.
ALB number of active connections
ALB number of new connections
ALB number of 4XX errors
ALB number of 5XX errors
ALB number of 4XX target errors
ALB number of 5XX target errors
ALB number of rejected connections
ALB number of target connection errors
ALB number of client TLS negotiation errors
ALB number of processed bytes
ALB number of consumed LCUs
ALB number of requests
ALB target response time
Number of running EC2 instances (ASG)
Number of stopped EC2 instances (ASG)
Number of terminated EC2 instances (ASG)
Number of running EC2 instances (AZ)
Number of stopped EC2 instances (AZ)
Number of terminated EC2 instances (AZ)
DynamoDB read capacity units
DynamoDB write capacity units
DynamoDB provisioned read capacity units
DynamoDB provisioned write capacity units
DynamoDB read capacity units %
DynamoDB write capacity units %
DynamoDB number of requests with HTTP 500 status code
DynamoDB number of requests with HTTP 400 status code
DynamoDB number of successful request latency for operation
DynamoDB number of items returned by operation
DynamoDB number of throttled requests for operation
DynamoDB number of read throttled events
DynamoDB number of write throttled events
Number of tables for AvailabilityZone
EBS volume read latency
EBS volume write latency
EBS volume consumed OPS
EBS volume read OPS
EBS volume write OPS
EBS volume throughput %
EBS volume read throughput
EBS volume write throughput
EBS volume idle time %
EBS volume queue length
EC2 CPU usage %
EC2 instance storage read IOPS
EC2 instance storage read rate
EC2 instance storage write IOPS
EC2 instance storage write rate
EC2 network data received rate
EC2 network data transmitted rate
CLB backend connection errors
CLB number of backend 2XX errors
CLB number of backend 3XX errors
CLB number of backend 4XX errors
CLB number of backend 5XX errors
CLB number of 4XX errors
CLB number of 5XX errors
CLB frontend errors percentage
CLB number of healthy hosts
CLB number of unhealthy hosts
CLB latency
CLB number of completed requests
LambdaFunction concurrent executions count
LambdaFunction code execution time.
LambdaFunction number of failed invocations with HTTP 4XX status code
LambdaFunction rate of failed invocations to all invocations %
LambdaFunction number of times a function is invoked
LambdaFunction provisioned concurrent executions count
LambdaFunction provisioned concurrency invocation count
LambdaFunction provisioned concurrency spillover invocation count
LambdaFunction throttled function invocation count
NLB number of active flows
NLB number of new flows
NLB number of client resets
NLB number of resets
NLB number of target resets
NLB number of processed bytes
NLB number of consumed LCUs
RDS CPU usage %
RDS read latency
RDS write latency
RDS freeable memory
RDS swap usage
RDS network received throughput
RDS network transmitted throughput
RDS write IOPS
RDS read throughput
RDS write throughput
RDS connections
RDS free storage space %
RDS restarts