ActiveGate self-monitoring metrics
Dynatrace offers a special self-monitoring category of metrics to provide observability into the operation and health of Dynatrace components and features. These metrics are available in every Dynatrace Managed and SaaS environment and can be identified by the dsfm:
metric prefix.
For more information, see Self-monitoring metrics.
Following is the list of self-monitoring metrics that can be used to get insights into the operation of an ActiveGate.
Active gate
Metric key | Name and description | Unit | Aggregations |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Aws - Elements - Bad Count of elements that were successfully retrieved from AWS, but failed later on (e.g., due to parsing errors). Elements are e.g., number of metrics for metric query, number of instances for instances query etc. | Count | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Aws - Elements - Reported Count of elements that were successfully reported (sent) to the server by ActiveGate. Elements are e.g., number of metrics for metric query, number of instances for instances query etc. | Count | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Aws - Elements - Total Count of all elements retrieved in the given timeframe. Elements are e.g., number of metrics for metric query, number of instances for instances query etc. | Count | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Aws - Data Delay Sum of data delay (difference between expected last timestamp and actual last timestamp) for all entity and metric combinations | Millisecond | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Aws - Data Lost Flag indicating whether we failed to obtain some of the data. 0 - all data obtained, 1 - some data lost. | Count | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Aws - Empty Responses Count of requests whose responses were empty even though we expected some data. | Count | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Aws - Missing Permissions Missing Permissions in AWS monitoring | Count | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Aws - Monitored Entities Number of monitored entities per AWS Credentials | Count | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Aws - Query Time Summed time in milliseconds of all queries in the given timeframe. | Millisecond | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Aws - Requests Count of performed HTTP requests. | Count | autovalue |
Metric key | Name and description | Unit | Aggregations |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Communication - Agent Modules - Connected Number of OneAgent modules connected. | Count | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Communication - Messages - Dropped Number of messages dropped due to timeouts. Non-zero value indicates data loss. | Count | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Communication - Messages - Rejected Number of messages rejected due to authorization issues. Non-zero value indicates data loss. | Count | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Communication - Messages - Resent Number of messages resent by ActiveGate. Indicates communication issue that may eventually result in | Count | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Communication - Queue - Outgoing - Usage Number of messages queued. Growing value indicates messages are being received at a faster pace than sent out. Network performance is often a common root cause of this issue. | Count | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Communication - Dropped Messages Deprecated. To be removed. Use: | Count | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Communication - Incoming Traffic Deprecated. To be removed. Use: | Kibibyte | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Communication - Outgoing Traffic Deprecated. To be removed. Use: | Kibibyte | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Communication - Resent Messages Deprecated. To be removed. Use: | Count | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Communication - Traffic In Deprecated. To be removed. Use: | Kibibyte | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Communication - Traffic Out Deprecated. To be removed. Use: | Kibibyte | autovalue |
Event ingest
Metric key | Name and description | Unit | Aggregations |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Event Ingest - Drop Count Number of dropped messages | Count | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Event Ingest - Event Attribute Semantic Count Semantic Attribute Count per Event | Count | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Event Ingest - Event Attribute Unknown Count Unknown Attribute Count per Event | Count | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Event Ingest - Event Incoming Count Incoming Log Event Count | Count | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Event Ingest - Event Json Size JSON Event Size Bytes | Byte | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Event Ingest - Event Otlp Size OTLP Event Size Bytes | Byte | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Event Ingest - Event Plain Size Plain Event Size Bytes | Byte | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
Metric key | Name and description | Unit | Aggregations |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Filecache - Data Added Count Size of files added to cache (in kiB) | Kibibyte | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Filecache - Data Removed Count Size of files removed from cache (in kiB) | Kibibyte | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Filecache - Data Requested Count Counts the amount of data requested from cache (in kiB) | Kibibyte | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Filecache - Data Served Count Counts the amount of data served out of the cache (in kiB) | Kibibyte | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Filecache - Size Limit Configured limit of cache (in kiB) | Kibibyte | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
Metric key | Name and description | Unit | Aggregations |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Jvm - Gc - Major Collection Time ActiveGate java process major garbage collection time. | Millisecond | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Jvm - Cpu Usage ActiveGate java process CPU usage. | Percent (%) | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Jvm - Heap Memory Available ActiveGate java process heap memory size. | Byte | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Jvm - Heap Memory Used ActiveGate java process heap memory used. Compare with heap memory size reported by | Byte | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
Metric key | Name and description | Unit | Aggregations |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Kubernetes - Api - Connections - Pool - Available Number of idle persistent connections | Count | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Kubernetes - Api - Query Count Number of api queries sent to monitored Kubernetes clusters | Count | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Kubernetes - Api - Query Duration Duration of api queries sent to monitored Kubernetes clusters | Millisecond | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Kubernetes - Events - Observed ActiveGate observed Kubernetes Events | Count | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Kubernetes - Events - Processed ActiveGate Processed Kubernetes Events | Count | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
Metric key | Name and description | Unit | Aggregations |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Metrics - Ingest - Otlp - Datapoints - Accepted Number of accepted datapoints | Count | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Metrics - Ingest - Otlp - Datapoints - Accepted - Count Number of accepted datapoints | Count | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Metrics - Ingest - Otlp - Datapoints - Received - Total Total number of datapoints that arrived at the API. | Count | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Metrics - Ingest - Otlp - Datapoints - Rejected Number of rejected datapoints, split by reason of rejection | Count | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Metrics - Ingest - Otlp - Datapoints - Rejected - Count Number of rejected datapoints, split by reason of rejection | Count | autovalue |
Metric key | Name and description | Unit | Aggregations |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Rest - Request Count ActiveGate number of incoming REST API calls | Count | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Rest - Request Size ActiveGate REST API request size | Byte | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Rest - Response Size ActiveGate REST API response size | Byte | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Rest - Response Time ActiveGate REST API response time | Millisecond | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
Metric key | Name and description | Unit | Aggregations |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Rum - Beacon Forwarded Count Counts the number of beacons forwarded to the server by the Active gate | Count | autovalue |
Metric key | Name and description | Unit | Aggregations |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Storage - Directory - Limit Maximum allowed directory size. | MebiByte | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Storage - Directory - Size Directory size. Compare to limit reported by | MebiByte | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Storage - Volume - Free Storage volume free space left. | MebiByte | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Storage - Volume - Total Storage volume size. | MebiByte | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
Metric key | Name and description | Unit | Aggregations |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - System - Cpu Usage Operating system CPU usage. | Percent (%) | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - System - Free Memory Operating system free memory. Compare with total memory reported by | MebiByte | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - System - Total Memory Operating system total memory. | MebiByte | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
Thread pool
Metric key | Name and description | Unit | Aggregations |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Thread Pool - Busy Threads Number of thread pool busy threads. | Count | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Thread Pool - Queue Size Thread pool queue size. | Count | autoavgcountmaxminsum |
Metric key | Name and description | Unit | Aggregations |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Traffic - Client - Received Ingress traffic from Dynatrace environment | Byte | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Traffic - Client - Sent Egress traffic to Dynatrace environment | Byte | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Traffic - Server - Received Ingress traffic from clients | Byte | autovalue |
dsfm:active_gate | Active Gate - Traffic - Server - Sent Egress traffic to clients | Byte | autovalue |