Differences between containerized and host-based ActiveGates

ActiveGate deployed on a host using an installer—depending on a selected purpose—consists of multiple processes delivering several functionalities. The container image covers only a subset of that, provided by the core ActiveGate process.


An ActiveGate container image currently supports only a subset of routing and monitoring as well as private synthetic.

For a complete overview, see ActiveGate purposes and functionality.



OneAgent routing and monitoring

Cloud monitoring


Synthetic monitors



ActiveGate auto-update is supported only for host-based ActiveGates deployed using an installer.

In the Kubernetes/OpenShift environments, ActiveGate updates are managed by the container runtime. For details, see ActiveGate container image.

Remote configuration management

Remote configuration management doesn't support containerized ActiveGates.

A containerized ActiveGate configuration is not persistently stored. It is declarative, using the Kubernetes native means of configuration, so any changes triggered by the remote configuration management mechanism would be lost upon container restart.