OpenPipeline API - GET technology processors
Early Adopter
Gets all the processor for a technology bundle, given the technology bundle ID.
The request produces an application/json
GET | SaaS | https://{your-environment-id}{id}/processors |
To execute this request, you need an access token with
To learn how to obtain and use it, see Tokens and authentication.
You can execute this request also with an OAuth2 client with openpipeline:configurations:read
To learn how to obtain and use it, see OAuth clients.
The id of a technology bundle.
Response codes
Response body objects
The ResponseBody
The ProcessingStageProcessor
Groups all processors applicable for the ProcessingStage. Applicable processors are DqlProcessor, FieldsAddProcessor, FieldsRemoveProcessor, FieldsRenameProcessor, TechnologyProcessor and DropProcessor.
Response body JSON model
[{"type": "dql","enabled": true,"editable": false,"id": "es_slow_log","description": "ES Slow Log Index","matcher": "matchesPhrase(content, \"index.indexing.slowlog*\")","sampleData": null,"dqlScript": "parse content, \"'[' TIMESTAMP('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss,SSS'):timestamp ']' PUNCT?\nSPACE? '[' UPPER:loglevel SPACE* ']' PUNCT?\nSPACE? '[index.indexing.slowlog.' LD:'db.operation' ']' PUNCT?\nSPACE? '[' LD:'db.elasticsearch.node' ']' PUNCT?\n(SPACE? '{' LD '}')? //metadata, dt.trace_id\nSPACE? '[' LD?:'db.elasticsearch.index_name' ']' PUNCT?\nSPACE? 'took[' LD ']' PUNCT?\nSPACE? 'took_millis[' INT:'db.elasticsearch.duration' ']' PUNCT?\nDATA\"\n"}]
JSON models
The ConstantValueAssignment
Assign a constant value.
The constant value to assign.
The FieldValueAssignment
Assign a value extracted from a field.
The field on the record to extract the value for assignment.
The ConstantMultiValueAssignment
Assign a multi-value constant.
The constant multi value to assign.
The StaticRouting
Records are statically routed to the defined pipeline.
Identifier of the pipeline.
The DynamicRouting
Records are routed via the dynamic routes.
Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:
-> StaticRoutingdynamic
-> DynamicRouting
The ClassicPipelineDefinition
Definition of a classic pipeline which are configured via settings 2.0. This only applies to the logs and bizevents configuration.
The settings-schema identifier related to the processing of the classic pipeline.
The ClassicProcessingStage
Processing stage configuration of the pipeline.
Indicates if the user is allowed to edit this object based on permissions and builtin property.
The ClassicProcessingStageProcessor
Groups all processors applicable for the ClassicProcessingStage. Applicable processor is SxqlProcessor.
The DefaultPipelineDefinition
Definition of a single default pipeline.
The ProcessingStage
Processing stage configuration of the pipeline.
Indicates if the user is allowed to edit this object based on permissions and builtin property.
The ProcessingStageProcessor
Groups all processors applicable for the ProcessingStage. Applicable processors are DqlProcessor, FieldsAddProcessor, FieldsRemoveProcessor, FieldsRenameProcessor, TechnologyProcessor and DropProcessor.
The BizeventExtractionProcessor
Processor to extract a bizevent. This processor can only be applied to the logs configuration. Fields event.type and event.provider can only be assigned to a constant or field value. A multi-value constant is not supported for those fields.
Name or description of the processor.
Indicates if the user is allowed to edit this object based on permissions and builtin property.
Indicates if the object is active.
Identifier of the processor. Must be unique within a stage.
Matching condition to apply on incoming records.
Sample data related to the processor for documentation or testing.
The ValueAssignment
Strategy to assign a value.
Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:
-> ConstantValueAssignmentfield
-> FieldValueAssignmentmultiValueConstant
-> ConstantMultiValueAssignment
The FieldsExtraction
Definition of the field extraction.
Unique fields to include/exclude in the extracted record.
Defines how the fields of the source record should be extracted. INCLUDE: Only the specified fields are extracted. INCLUDE_ALL: All fields are extracted. EXCLUDE: All fields except the specified fields are extracted.
The DavisEventExtractionProcessor
Processor to extract a davis event.
Name or description of the processor.
Indicates if the user is allowed to edit this object based on permissions and builtin property.
Indicates if the object is active.
Identifier of the processor. Must be unique within a stage.
Matching condition to apply on incoming records.
Sample data related to the processor for documentation or testing.
The DavisEventProperty
List of properties for the extracted davis event.
The key to set on the davis event.
The value assigned to the key.
The DqlProcessor
Processor to apply a DQL script.
Name or description of the processor.
The DQL script to apply on the record.
Indicates if the user is allowed to edit this object based on permissions and builtin property.
Indicates if the object is active.
Identifier of the processor. Must be unique within a stage.
Matching condition to apply on incoming records.
Sample data related to the processor for documentation or testing.
The FieldsAddProcessor
Processor to add fields.
Name or description of the processor.
Indicates if the user is allowed to edit this object based on permissions and builtin property.
Indicates if the object is active.
Identifier of the processor. Must be unique within a stage.
Matching condition to apply on incoming records.
Sample data related to the processor for documentation or testing.
The FieldsAddItem
List of fields to add to the record.
Name of the field.
Value to assign to the field.
The FieldsRemoveProcessor
Processor to remove fields.
Name or description of the processor.
Indicates if the user is allowed to edit this object based on permissions and builtin property.
Indicates if the object is active.
List of unique fields to remove from the record.
Identifier of the processor. Must be unique within a stage.
Matching condition to apply on incoming records.
Sample data related to the processor for documentation or testing.
The FieldsRenameProcessor
Processor to rename fields.
Name or description of the processor.
Indicates if the user is allowed to edit this object based on permissions and builtin property.
Indicates if the object is active.
Identifier of the processor. Must be unique within a stage.
Matching condition to apply on incoming records.
Sample data related to the processor for documentation or testing.
The FieldsRenameItem
List of fields to rename on the record.
The field to rename.
The new field name.
The TechnologyProcessor
Processor to apply a technology processors.
Indicates if the user is allowed to edit this object based on permissions and builtin property.
Indicates if the object is active.
Identifier of the processor. Must be unique within a stage.
Sample data related to the processor for documentation or testing.
The reference identifier to a specific technology. This technology is applied on the record.
The DropProcessor
Processor to drop the record either during the processing stage or at the endpoint.
Name or description of the processor.
Indicates if the user is allowed to edit this object based on permissions and builtin property.
Indicates if the object is active.
Identifier of the processor. Must be unique within a stage.
Matching condition to apply on incoming records.
Sample data related to the processor for documentation or testing.
The NoStorageProcessor
Processor to skip storage assignment.
Name or description of the processor.
Indicates if the user is allowed to edit this object based on permissions and builtin property.
Indicates if the object is active.
Identifier of the processor. Must be unique within a stage.
Matching condition to apply on incoming records.
Sample data related to the processor for documentation or testing.
The BucketAssignmentProcessor
Processor to assign a bucket.
Bucket that is assigned when the record is matched.
Name or description of the processor.
Indicates if the user is allowed to edit this object based on permissions and builtin property.
Indicates if the object is active.
Identifier of the processor. Must be unique within a stage.
Matching condition to apply on incoming records.
Sample data related to the processor for documentation or testing.
The SecurityContextProcessor
Processor to set the security context field.
Name or description of the processor.
Indicates if the user is allowed to edit this object based on permissions and builtin property.
Indicates if the object is active.
Identifier of the processor. Must be unique within a stage.
Matching condition to apply on incoming records.
Sample data related to the processor for documentation or testing.
The ValueAssignment
Strategy to assign a value.
Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:
-> ConstantValueAssignmentfield
-> FieldValueAssignmentmultiValueConstant
-> ConstantMultiValueAssignment
The CounterMetricExtractionProcessor
Processor to write the occurrences as a metric.
Name or description of the processor.
List of unique dimensions to add to the metric.
Indicates if the user is allowed to edit this object based on permissions and builtin property.
Indicates if the object is active.
Identifier of the processor. Must be unique within a stage.
Matching condition to apply on incoming records.
The key of the metric to write.
Sample data related to the processor for documentation or testing.
The ValueMetricExtractionProcessor
Processor to extract a value from a field as a metric.
Name or description of the processor.
List of unique dimensions to add to the metric.
Indicates if the user is allowed to edit this object based on permissions and builtin property.
Indicates if the object is active.
The field to extract the value for the metric.
Identifier of the processor. Must be unique within a stage.
Matching condition to apply on incoming records.
The key of the metric to write.
Sample data related to the processor for documentation or testing.
The ErrorResponseEnvelope
Encloses the encountered error.
The ErrorResponse
Basic information of the encountered error.
The returned HTTP status code.
Description of the encountered error.
The ErrorResponseDetails
Detailed information of the error.
Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:
-> ConstraintViolationDetails
The ConstraintViolationDetails
List of encountered constraint violations.
The ConstraintViolation
Information about a single constraint violation.
Description of the constraint violation.