DQL compared to SQL and more

This page compares the most common use cases between DQL and other well-established data query and processing languages like SQL, Splunk's SPL, and Microsoft's Kusto Query Language.

Loading data for querying

Dynatrace Query Language (DQL)

fetch events

Structured Query Language (SQL)

SELECT * FROM events

Splunk Search Processing Language (SPL)

sourcetype = event*

Kusto Query Language (KQL)



Narrows the number of records based on a filter expression. In this example, we are searching for payment events.

Dynatrace Query Language (DQL)

fetch events
| filter event.type == "travel.funnel.booking-payment"

Structured Query Language (SQL)

SELECT * FROM events WHERE 'event.type'="travel.funnel.booking-payment"

Splunk Search Processing language (SPL)

sourcetype = event* | where "event.type" = "travel.funnel.booking-payment"

Kusto Query Language (KQL)

| where ['event.type'] == "travel.funnel.booking-payment"

We can add as many filters as needed to the pipeline. For example, we can look for bookings made by higher level loyalty customers traveling with children.

Dynatrace Query Language (DQL)

fetch events
| filter event.type == "travel.funnel.booking-payment" and loyaltyStatus == "Platinum" and childrenTravelers > 0

Structured Query Language (SQL)

SELECT * FROM events WHERE 'event.type'="travel.funnel.booking-payment" AND loyaltyStatus = "Platinum" AND childrenTravelers > 0

Splunk Search Processing language (SPL)

sourcetype = event*
| where event.type = "travel.funnel.booking-payment" AND loyaltyStatus = "Platinum" AND childrenTravelers > 0

Kusto Query Language (KQL)

| where ['event.type'] == "travel.funnel.booking-payment" and loyaltyStatus == "Platinum" and childrenTravelers > 0

Field selection

Selecting just the relevant fields can be done in any pipeline stage. In this example, we will select only the product of successful bookings.

Dynatrace Query Language (DQL)

fetch events
| filter event.type == "travel.funnel.booking-payment"
| fields product

Structured Query Language (SQL)

SELECT product FROM events WHERE 'event.type'="travel.funnel.booking-payment"

Splunk Search Processing language (SPL)

sourcetype = event*
| where event.type = "travel.funnel.booking-payment"
| fields product

Kusto Query Language (KQL)

| where ['event.type'] == "travel.funnel.booking-payment"
| project product

Calculations and sorting

We can transform the selected records in the pipelines. For example, we select the booked trips' duration in days and we will turn it into weeks.

Dynatrace Query Language (DQL)

fetch event
| filter event.type == "travel.funnel.booking-payment"
| fieldsAdd journeyWeeks = journeyDuration/7
| sort journeyWeeks desc

Structured Query Language (SQL)

SELECT journeyDuration/7 AS journeyWeeks FROM events WHERE 'event.type'="travel.funnel.booking-payment" ORDER BY journeyWeeks DESC

Splunk Search Processing language (SPL)

sourcetype = event*
| where event.type = "travel.funnel.booking-payment"
| eval journeyweeks = journeyDuration/7
| sort -journeyweeks

Kusto Query Language (KQL)

| where ['event.type'] == "travel.funnel.booking-payment"
| project journeyWeeks = journeyDuration/7
| sort journeyweeks desc


If we are interested only in unique values in our key, we can deduplicate the results by grouping them.

Dynatrace Query Language (DQL)

fetch events
| summarize count(), by:event.type
| fields event.type

Structured Query Language (SQL)

SELECT DISTINCT 'event.type' FROM events

Splunk Search Processing Language (SPL)

sourcetype = event*
| stats by "event.type"

Kusto Query Language (KQL)

| summarize by event.type


After grouping selected records based on a field, we can aggregate the results to a new output.

Dynatrace Query Language (DQL)

fetch events
| filter event.type == "travel.funnel.booking-payment"
| summarize sum = sum(amount), by:travelAgency

Structured Query Language (SQL)

SELECT sum(amount) AS sum FROM events GROUP BY sum, travelAgency WHERE 'event.type' == "travel.funnel.booking-payment"

Splunk Search Processing Language (SPL)

sourcetype = event*
| where "event.type" = "travel.funnel.booking-payment"
| stats sum = sum(amount) by travelAgency

Kusto Query Language (KQL)

| filter event.type == "travel.funnel.booking-payment"
| summarize sum = sum(amount) by travelAgency

Let's take a look at a bit more complex use case, where we want to add a new field, based on a mathematical expression, to our result table.

Dynatrace Query Language (DQL)

fetch events
| filter event.type == "travel.funnel.booking-payment"
| summarize sum = sum(amount), by:{travelAgency, travelers}
| fieldsAdd has_more_than_2 = travelers > 2

Structured Query Language (SQL)

SELECT sum(amount) AS sum, travelers > 2 AS has_more_than_2 FROM events GROUP BY sum, has_more_than_2, travelAgency, travelers WHERE 'event.type' == "travel.funnel.booking-payment"

Splunk Search Processing Language (SPL)

sourcetype = event*
| where "event.type" = "travel.funnel.booking-payment"
| stats sum = sum(amount) by travelAgency, travelers
| eval has_more_than_2 = travelers > 2

Kusto Query Language (KQL)

| where ['event.type'] == "travel.funnel.booking-payment"
| summarize sumBytes = sum(amount) by travelAgency, travelers
| project has_more_than_2 = travelers > 2