Davis Anomaly Detection app overview

Latest Dynatrace

Davis Anomaly Detection Davis Anomaly Detection - new provides you with a unified overview of all anomaly detection configurations in your Dynatrace environment.


To use the latest version of Davis Anomaly Detection Davis Anomaly Detection - new, you need the following permissions:


Permission value

required View settings schemas


required View settings objects for schema


required Create settings objects for schema


required Allow IAM policy configuration for environments



required View system tables from Grail


required View user's uuid


required View event properties


required View metrics


required View list of analyzers


required View user settings


User permissions can only be changed by your Dynatrace administrator in Account Management > Identity and Access Management. To learn more about user groups and assigning permissions, see Working with policies.

Get an overview of anomaly detection configurations

In Dynatrace, go to Davis Anomaly Detection Davis Anomaly Detection - new.

At a glance, you can see various information about your existing anomaly detection configurations, such as their status, source, type of anomaly prediction model, and more. To show or hide columns, select Column settings and then select the columns you want to display. You can also filter the table by any of these parameters.

An important parameter to look at is the Status of the configuration. If there's an error, the status is displayed as Error—select it to open the detailed report in a notebook.

Enable or edit Anomaly Detection authorization settings

Before you attempt to run or create an anomaly detector, make sure that you have all the required permissions in Account Management. If you're running Davis Anomaly Detection Davis Anomaly Detection - new for the first time, you'll need to enable authorization settings.

To enable or edit Anomaly Detection authorization settings

  1. In Davis Anomaly Detection Davis Anomaly Detection - new, go to Settings > Authorization settings.
  2. Select the required permissions in the Permissions list.

Configure anomaly detector actors

Every execution of Anomaly Detector is performed in the context of a user. If you're an administrator or have permission to use a predefined service user, you'll see two types of users you can choose when creating or editing an anomaly detector: actor and service user. Otherwise, you'll be the only visible actor.


An actor is the user used to execute the Anomaly Detector. Unless you have administrator rights or permission to use a predefined service user, you'll only have the option to set yourself as an actor for either a new or updated anomaly detector configuration.

Service user

We recommend using service users as actors for anomaly detectors created for a department or organization use case. This makes the anomaly detector independent of the status of the user who maintains it.

There are no specific authorization settings for a service user. The permissions granted to a service user should follow the least privilege principle. To learn more about managing service users, see Service users.

Set an Actor for a new anomaly detector

To set an actor for a new anomaly detector

  1. Go to Davis Anomaly Detection Davis Anomaly Detection - new > Anomaly Detector > Create your own Anomaly Detector > Configure your query.
  2. Select a service user or a regular user as Actor from the list of available actors.
  3. Select Save.

Set an Actor for existing anomaly detector

To set an actor for an existing anomaly detector

  1. Go to Davis Anomaly Detection Davis Anomaly Detection - new.
  2. In the Action column for the anomaly detector you want to edit, select > Edit and then expand Configure your query.
  3. Select a service user or a regular user as Actor from the list of available actors.
  4. Select Save.

By default, after editing the anomaly detector's configuration, the actor changes to the user who updated it. You will get a warning message confirming whether you want to overwrite the existing configuration or make a copy of the anomaly detector with your changes.

If the anomaly detector was created with a service user and you have permission to use the service user, you can update the configuration without overwriting the service user actor; otherwise, you'll get a warning about restricted service user access.