User permissions for workflows

Latest Dynatrace

Workflows and AutomationEngine API permissions

The Workflows app, which is the frontend for the AutomationEngine, enables you to edit, manage, and run workflows in Dynatrace.

  • To use Workflows, you need some general AppEngine permissions and some AutomationEngine-specific permissions.
  • Permissions are configured in account administration and require account admin access.
  • If you are missing any required permissions, reach out to your account administrator.

We recommend that administrators differentiate between regular users and administrators as follows.

AutomationEngine authorization settings

If the required permission for a workflow task is missing, an attempt to execute this task results in a 403 Forbidden error.

Always make sure:

  • You have the required permissions granted in Account Management.
  • You granted all required permissions for the workflows to run in the authorization settings.

To enable or edit the AutomationEngine authorization settings

  1. In the Workflows app, go to Settings > Authorization settings.
  2. Enable the required permissions from Primary permissions and Secondary permissions lists.

Workflows user

A Workflows user creates, edits, runs, and monitors workflows.

To access the Workflows and view workflows, you need at least the following permissions.

Grants access to
List all apps and read the app bundles.
View workflows.

To write and execute workflows, the following additional permissions are required.

Grants access to
Use the function executor.
Run workflows manually via the user interface or API.
Write workflows. It includes creating, updating, and deleting a workflow. It also includes the workflow configuration with active schedule or event trigger configurations. Thus, the workflow is run based on these configurations.

These permissions grant access to workflows themselves. To successfully run workflow tasks, the actor might need additional permissions.

Workflows administrator

A Workflows administrator can:

  • Access all workflows and executions in an environment.
  • Manage workflows and executions where the owner is unavailable.
  • Import or edit workflows, preserving the actor and owner of the workflow, which is most of the time desired when transporting workflows between environments.

To administer workflows, you need the following permission on top of all user permissions.

Grants access to
Administer workflows.

To turn on admin mode in Workflows

  1. Verify that you have automation:workflows:admin permission in addition to all regular user permissions.
  2. Select Settings in the upper-right corner of the Workflows app and turn on Admin mode.

To stop down from the administrator role and use Workflows as a regular user, disable Admin mode.

Workflow owner

The initial owner of a workflow is the user who creates it. Right after a workflow is created, only the owner can view, manage, and execute the workflow.

To let others access a workflow, the owner has the following options:

  • Make the workflow public. A public workflow is visible to every user with automation:workflows:* permissions.
  • Transfer ownership to another user.
  • Transfer ownership to a group, in which case all members of the group can access the workflow, depending on their permissions.

Execution access and ownership

Access to an execution depends on the workflow ownership and private/public configuration when the execution was started.

  • Execution access is always evaluated at the start of an execution.
  • A change to workflow ownership or visibility doesn't impact past executions; it affects only future executions.


An administrator has access to all workflows and executions in an environment.

  • An administrator can manage all workflows and executions.
  • No restriction of visibility or ownership applies to an administrator.

Workflow actor

Every execution of a workflow task is performed in the context of a user.

To figure out the actor of a workflow

  1. Open a workflow in the workflow editor.
  2. Select > Settings.
  3. Check the details pane where you'll find the actor information.
  • This user is called the actor.
  • The actor is configured per workflow.
  • By default, the actor is the creator of the workflow.

When you run a workflow in an environment for the first time, Dynatrace asks to allow the AutomationEngine to run workflows for you.

  • You need to consent to the range of permissions the AutomationEngine might exercise when running workflows with you as the actor.
  • These permissions are tied to the permissions you already have and can never exceed them.

Actor updates

A user who updates a workflow is set as the actor automatically. This prevents exploits where a user changes a workflow to achieve something in another user's context.

The actor remains unchanged if either the workflow update happens by a user in admin mode, or the actor is set to a service user.

Service users

You can use your own account when trying out some workflow configuration or for a personal workflows.

We recommend using service users as actors for all workflows that serve a department or organization use case. This makes the workflow independent of the status of the user who maintains it.

To set the workflow actor to a service user

  1. Open the workflow in the workflow editor.
  2. Select > Settings.
  3. Select the service user from the Actor list.
  4. Save your changes.

There are no AutomationEngine-specific authorization settings for a service user. The permissions granted to a service user should follow the least-privilege principle. Configure permissions in Account Management.

Managing service users

Currently, no user interface is available to create or delete a service user. To do that, use the User management endpoint of the Dynatrace Account Management API. You'll require an OAUTH client for a user who possesses the required permissions to issue the requests. For more information, see OAuth clients.

Create a service user.


List all service users.


Add service user to a group.


Permissions for service users are managed via groups and policies like for any other user in Account Management.