Dynatrace monitors all server-side server requests end-to-end. When the performance or success rate of a specific request degrades, Dynatrace raises an alert. However, not all high-load requests are important and not all slow requests should raise alerts.
A good example of these are heartbeat requests. Heartbeat requests commonly arrive in high volume and frequency. These requests can distort the overall median response times of services. Such requests can trigger response-time alerts that distract you from the performance of the important requests that actually affect the user experience of your applications.
To better focus on the performance of requests that affect your customers, you can exclude unimportant requests from monitoring by muting them. After you mute a request,
Muting requests or endpoints for unified services is not supported.
The request’s Details page displays the message This request has been muted. Going forward, Dynatrace will not alert on this request and record its data separately.
Muted service requests remain accessible (and even remain visible in request lists for a limited period of time) but their response times are no longer factored into overall metrics and charts.
In some cases, muting a high-volume request can result in fake response-time degradation alerts. This only happens in rare cases and the reason is the displayed shift in the median and the corresponding change in the underlying request distribution. If this happens, it’s best to reset the reference period for alerts on this service. By doing this, Dynatrace will establish new performance baselines that exclude the muted request.
To adjust alerting reference periods for your specific service
Data for muted requests is still being recorded, but in a separate place.
To list all muted requests
To unmute a request
The request is removed from the muted request list, new data is recorded normally again, and alerting is re-enabled for that request.
You can manage muted requests via the Settings API.
To be able to use the API you need an access token with Read settings (settings.read
) and Write settings (settings.write
) scopes. To learn how to obtain it, see Create an access token.
This procedure overwrites any existing configuration. If you want to modify an existing configuration, see the Update Muted request configuration section below.
.[{"schemaId": "builtin:settings.mutedrequests","scope": "SERVICE-123456789","value": {"mutedRequestNames": ["/health"]}}]
.{"updateToken": "vu9U3hXY3q0ATAAkMG","value": {"mutedRequestNames": ["/health"]}}