Davis Security Advisor

Davis Security Advisor recommends the fixes that would most improve the overall security of your environment.

Basis for calculation

To calculate recommended fixes, Davis Security Advisor takes into consideration all third-party vulnerabilities that are currently open and not muted; resolved or muted vulnerabilities aren't taken into account. Fixes are tailored to your environment and ranked based on how much they improve the overall security of your environment.


DSA groups specific libraries that trigger vulnerabilities to simplify remediation efforts. When calculating the advice, Davis Security Advisor ignores the specific version of the library. All shown libraries contain known vulnerabilities and should be updated to the latest version.

Advice ranking

Advice is ranked based on the severity of the third-party vulnerabilities. Advice regarding a critical vulnerability, for example, is ranked higher than advice for a high-severity vulnerability.

The severity of a vulnerability is calculated based on Davis Security Score (DSS), so you can focus on fixing vulnerabilities that are relevant in your environment, instead of on those that have only a theoretical impact.

Use case

Filter for and apply fixes from Davis Security Advisor.