Log data alerting (Logs Classic)

Log Monitoring Classic

Dynatrace Log Monitoring allows you to define patterns, events, and custom log metrics to receive proactive notifications.

Log metrics

You can create a metric based on your monitored log data. With such a metric, you can have Dynatrace continuously scan your monitored log data and display a chart of that metric on your dashboard so that any pattern changes that occur in your custom metric will be clearly visible.

Check out how to use a log metric to save its chart to a dashboard, and then create an alert.

Log events

When Dynatrace ingests log data, it applies the query specified in the log event definition. Every matched occurrence triggers a log event that can be configured to individually create a problem for each triggered log event or can be merged into one problem.

Check out how to create a log event based on a Log Monitoring query to filter specific log content and properties from the ingested log data.