Private preview for entity-lookups in segments

Latest Dynatrace Preview Dynatrace version 1.303+

Leverage entity-lookups in segments to filter observability signals by properties of monitored entities.

The following procedure shows the current state of entity-lookups in segments. Some details of the configuration flow may change with upcoming improvements.

Who this is for

This article is intended for admins aiming to configure segments using entity-lookups, in order to upgrade existing management zones to new segments.

What you will learn

In this article, you'll learn how entity-lookups can help to include observability signals by properties of their emitting entities.

Before you begin

  • Dynatrace SaaS environment powered by Grail and AppEngine.
  • You have storage:filter-segments:read and storage:filter-segments:write permissions. To learn how to set up the permissions, see Permissions in Grail.
  • You have signed up and been enabled for the private preview.
Entity lookup

Filter step in DQL queries fetching signal data types, for example, logs, performing a lookup to monitored entities referenced by those signals.


Step 1 Include metrics and spans of tagged services

Entity-lookups for signals are configured through checkboxes in any entity include. To include metrics and spans of services with tag bookstore:client

  1. Go to Segments and select Segment to add a new segment
  2. Enter the segment name, for instance "Bookstore"
  3. Select Entities > Service (dt.entity.service) to include services in your segment
  4. Type to filter and select tags
  5. Specify a tag value to filter for (for example, tags = bookstore:client)
  6. Enable Metrics and Spans to have metrics and spans of tagged services included in segment
  7. Select Save

segments entity lookup service tag

For entity properties already physically present as fields of signal records, including signals directly filtering for that field should be the preferred option instead.

Step 2 Analyze metrics of services in Notebooks

You can analyze metrics and spans in different apps. To query for those in Notebooks

  1. Go to Notebooks and select Notebook
  2. Select Metrics
  3. Select metric and search for dt.service.request.response_time
  4. Open the segment selector and, in Filter by segments, select the previously created "Bookstore" segment
  5. Select Apply to finish segment selection
  6. Select Run to show aggregated service respones time of services in your segment

segments entity lookup with metric

Step 3 Analyze spans of services in Notebooks

fetch spans Preview

fetch spans is currently in Preview and only accessible to selected customers. If you would like to share feedback or ideas, please join our dedicated Community user group, or reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

For more information, see

  1. Go to Notebooks and select Notebook
  2. Select DQL
  3. Type fetch spans to query for spans
  4. Open the segment selector and, in Filter by segments, select the previously created "Bookstore" segment
  5. Select Apply to finish segment selection
  6. Select Run to show spans of services in your segment

segments entity lookup with spans


You've created a segment for tagged services, including metrics and spans emitted by those services. You've additionally seen how to analyze those metrics and spans of those services in Notebooks using entity-lookups with segments.