To add an extension to your Dynatrace environment via API, perform the following sequence of steps.
After you add and enable your extension, manage its lifecycle:
API Permissions
- You need an API token with the following permissions to manage the extension lifecycle:
- API v2
- Read extensions
- Write extensions
- Read extension environment configurations
- Write extension environment configurations
- Read extension monitoring configurations
- Write extension monitoring configurations
- API v1
- Read configuration
- Write configuration
Upload extension with API
Run the following command to upload the extension package to your environment. For this example, we use the Dynatrace SaaS URL:
curl -X POST "https://{env-id}" \
-H "accept: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-H "Authorization: Api-Token {api-token}" \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-F ";type=application/zip"
After a successful upload, the Dynatrace API returns basic extension details, including the extension name, version, and minimum Dynatrace version required to run the extension:
"name":"My Company"
Enable extension with API
After you upload the extension to your environment, you need to enable the environment configuration. This step is necessary because you can upload up to 10 extension versions but you can use only one extension version at the time. When you activate the extension, you specify which extension version to use.
Run the following command to activate the extension in your environment. For this example, we use the Dynatrace SaaS URL.
curl -X PUT "https://{env-id}{extensionName}/environmentConfiguration" \
-H "accept: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-H "Authorization: Api-Token {api-token}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d "{\"version\":\"{version}\"}"
with your Environment ID.{api-token}
with an API token that has the required permissions.{extensionName}
with the actual extension name.{version}
with the extension version you want to activate.
To determine the extension name, extract the extension package, extract the
file from the package, and open the extension.yaml
After a successful activation, the Dynatrace API returns the version of the activated extension. For example:
Start monitoring with API
To start monitoring, you need to add at least one version of the monitoring configuration. The format of the JSON payload depends on the monitored data source.
curl -X POST "{env-id}{extensionName>/monitoringConfigurations" \
-H "accept: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-H "Authorization: Api-Token {api-token}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
--data @{monitoring-configuration} -i
with your Environment ID.{api-token}
with an API token that has the required permissions.{extensionName}
with the actual extension name.{version}
with the extension version you want to activate.{monitoring-configuration}
with the filename containing the JSON payload with the monitoring configuration. For details on the format, see SNMP.
After a successful call, the Dynatrace API returns the MonitoringConfigurationResponse
object. For example:
{ "objectId": "vu9U3hXa3q0AAAABACVleHQ6Y29tLmR5bmF0cmFjZS5zY2hlbWEtc25tcC1nZW5lcmljAAhhZ19ncm91cAAHRTJFVEVTVAAkMWMxZTlhMDctNzVkYi0zZjI0LWI4OGUtZmIxYWRiNGNjYTY4vu9U3hXa3q0", "code": 200 }
After a few minutes, go to Metric browser and search for the metrics you defined for your extension.
Update extension with API
To update an extension, you need to upload the new extension package and enable the new environment configuration.
Upload updated extension package with API
To upload the package, use the same command you used to upload the initial version of the extension. You need to use the new extension package filename if it changed.
Enable new configuration version with API
To enable the environment configuration version, you need to add the version parameter to the API call. Use one of these methods to determine the version:
- After a successful upload, the Dynatrace API returns basic extension details, including the version.
- Find the version in the
file inside the extension package. - Run the Get extension versions API call.
Run the following command to activate the new version. For this example, we use the Dynatrace SaaS URL.
curl -X PUT "https://{env-id}{extensionName}/environmentConfiguration" \
-H "accept: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-H "Authorization: Api-Token {api-token}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d "{\"version\":\"{version}\"}"
with your Environment ID.{api-token}
with an API token that has the required permissions.{extensionName}
with the actual extension name.{version}
with the extension version you want to activate.
After a successful activation, the Dynatrace API returns the version of the activated extension. For example:
If you need to revert activation to an earlier version, run the command above with a different version parameter.
Delete extension with API
If you uploaded a number of extension versions, you need to delete all the versions to completely remove the extension from your environment. You can use GET extension versions to list all the extension versions available in your environment.
Delete environment configuration with API
To delete the currently active environment configuration, use DELETE environment configuration. For this example, we use the Dynatrace SaaS URL.
curl -X DELETE "{env-id}{extensionName}/environmentConfiguration" \
-H "accept: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-H "Authorization: Api-Token {api-token}"
After a successful deactivation, the Dynatrace API returns the version of the deactivated extension. For example:
Delete extension version with API
To delete an extension version, use DELETE an extension version. In this example, we use the Dynatrace SaaS URL.
curl -X DELETE "{env-id}{extensionName}/{version}" \
-H "accept: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-H "Authorization: Api-Token {api-token}"
with your Environment ID.{api-token}
with an API token that has the required permissions.{extensionName}
with the actual extension name.{version}
with the extension version you want to delete.
After a successful version deletion, the Dynatrace API returns the following response:
"name":"My Company"