Applications API - GET baseline
Gets the baseline data of the specified application.
The request produces an application/json
GET | SaaS | https://{your-environment-id}{meIdentifier}/baseline |
Environment ActiveGate | https://{your-activegate-domain}:9999/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v1/entity/applications/{meIdentifier}/baseline |
To execute this request, you need an access token with DataExport
To learn how to obtain and use it, see Tokens and authentication.
Parameter | Type | Description | In | Required |
meIdentifier | string | The Dynatrace entity ID of the required application. | path | required |
Response codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | Application | Success |
4XX | Error | Client side error. |
5XX | Error | Server side error. |
Response body objects
The ApplicationBaselineValues
The baseline data for an application and its children for each available duration metric.
A duration metric is one of the following:
- DOM interactive
- HTML downloaded
- Load event end
- Load event start
- Response time
- Speed index
- Time to first byte
- Visually complete
Element | Type | Description |
applicationDomInteractiveBaselines | Entity | The baseline data for the DOM interactive duration metric. |
applicationHtmlDownloadedBaselines | Entity | The baseline data for the HTML downloaded duration metric. |
applicationLoadEventEndBaselines | Entity | The baseline data for the Load event end duration metric. |
applicationLoadEventStartBaselines | Entity | The baseline data for the Load event start duration metric. |
applicationResponseTimeBaselines | Entity | The baseline data for the Response time duration metric. |
applicationSpeedIndexBaselines | Entity | The baseline data for the Speed index duration metric. |
applicationTimeToFirstByteBaselines | Entity | The baseline data for the Time to first byte duration metric. |
applicationVisualCompleteBaselines | Entity | The baseline data for the Visually complete duration metric. |
displayName | string | The name of the application as displayed in the UI. |
entityId | string | The Dynatrace entity ID of the application. |
The EntityBaselineData
The baseline data for a Dynatrace entity for a specific duration metric.
Element | Type | Description |
childBaselines | Entity | The baseline data for child entities of this entity, for example a |
displayName | string | The display name of the entity. |
entityId | string | The ID of the Dynatrace entity. |
errorRate | number | The error rate baseline. |
hasLoadBaseline | boolean | The entity has a load baseline ( |
micros90thPercentile | number | The 90th percentile baseline, in microseconds. |
microsMedian | number | The median baseline, in microseconds. |
Response body JSON model
{"applicationDomInteractiveBaselines": [{"childBaselines": [{}],"displayName": "string","entityId": "string","errorRate": 1,"hasLoadBaseline": true,"micros90thPercentile": 1,"microsMedian": 1}],"applicationHtmlDownloadedBaselines": [{}],"applicationLoadEventEndBaselines": [{}],"applicationLoadEventStartBaselines": [{}],"applicationResponseTimeBaselines": [{}],"applicationSpeedIndexBaselines": [{}],"applicationTimeToFirstByteBaselines": [{}],"applicationVisualCompleteBaselines": [{}],"displayName": "string","entityId": "string"}