Timeseries API v1 - Custom metrics

The Metrics API v1 enables you to create new kinds of network components and to register and send custom metrics for these devices.

A custom network device is any part of your environment that can't run Dynatrace OneAgent. Examples include Firewalls, DataPower gateways, cloud databases, and any other network appliance such as a proxy or gateway. By using the Dynatrace API, it's possible for your own networked box to send custom metrics into Dynatrace based on the native properties of these devices, or to write your own scripts that pull the metrics from your networked or cloud-networked box.

Dynatrace will show the custom device on the host and process level within Smartscape, as the device itself can contain a network IP address as well as listening ports. When communication is detected between a OneAgent-instrumented host and the custom device, the connection will be automatically shown within Smartscape. When your custom devices begin to send in metric values, you can use the metrics on the custom charting tile.

As Dynatrace AI and intelligent problem detection and correlation depend on topological information, each custom device should announce its position within your network infrastructure. By providing the correct IP address, along with a detailed description of the custom device properties, you enable Dynatrace to automatically map your custom device into your existing Smartscape environment.


The following is a typical sequence of API calls for custom metrics usage:

  1. Create a custom metric with a PUT custom metric call to this endpoint.
  2. Create a custom device with a POST custom device call to the Custom device endpoint. This step is optional; you can send the data straight away—the device will be created automatically.
  3. Send data to the custom device with a POST metric to the custom device call to the Custom device endpoint.
  4. If you no longer need the custom device, you can delete it with a DELETE custom metric call to this endpoint. Be careful with this one: it will also delete all the data you sent to the custom device earlier.

You can send data to the custom device retrospectively—the custom device endpoint supports the reporting of data up to one hour in the past. However, to ensure the proper functioning of AI root-cause analysis and metric-based alerting, we recommend that data be sent in real time.

Monitoring consumption

Limited custom metric ingestion and analysis is included in out-of-the-box Dynatrace technology support. To arrange for additional custom metric ingestion and analysis, contact Dynatrace Sales.