Mobile Symbolication API - GET all
Lists the metadata of all symbol files (Android mapping files and iOS/tvOS symbol extract files) from the symbol file storage.
The request produces an application/json
GET | SaaS | https://{your-environment-id} |
Environment ActiveGate | https://{your-activegate-domain}:9999/e/{your-environment-id}/api/config/v1/symfiles |
To execute this request, you need an access token with DssFileManagement
To learn how to obtain and use it, see Tokens and authentication.
The request doesn't provide any configurable parameters.
Response codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | Symbol | Success |
Response body objects
The SymbolFileList
Element | Type | Description |
symbolFiles | Symbol | A list of symbol files. |
The SymbolFile
Element | Type | Description |
appId | App | The identification info of the application to which the file belongs to. |
applicationName | string | The name of the application to which the file belongs to. |
pinned | boolean | Whether the file pinned and therefore cannot be deleted. |
size | integer | The size of the file, in KB. |
uploadTimestamp | integer | The timestamp of the file upload, in UTC milliseconds |
The AppIdentifier
The identification info of the application to which the file belongs to.
Element | Type | Description |
id | string | The ID of the mobile app. |
os | string | The operating system the file belongs to.
packageName | string | The bundleId (iOS) or package name (Android) the file belongs to. |
versionCode | string | The version code (Android) / bundle version (iOS) the file belongs to. |
versionName | string | The version name (Android) / bundle versions string (iOS) the file belongs to. |
Response body JSON model
{"symbolFiles": [{"appId": {"id": "string","os": "ANDROID","packageName": "string","versionCode": "string","versionName": "string"},"applicationName": "string","pinned": true,"size": 1,"uploadTimestamp": 1}]}