Manage dashboards

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Use these procedures to manage your dashboards.

List all dashboards

To list dashboards

  1. Go to Dashboards.

  2. In the Dashboards panel, the Recently modified section lists recently modified dashboards.

  3. Hover over a dashboard name and select for a menu of available commands for that dashboard. In this example, we would display the menu for a dashboard called my dashboard 3.

    Dashboard kebab menu

    The commands you see in the menu depend on your permissions for that dashboard. For example, you can't rename someone else's dashboard unless they have given you edit permissions for that dashboard. (But you can make a copy of a shared dashboard and then edit your copy.)

    • Rename enables editing for the dashboard name
    • Duplicate makes a copy of the dashboard
    • Download writes the dashboard to a JSON file that you can import
    • Move to trash moves the dashboard to the trash can

    This icon after a dashboard name means someone shared that dashboard with you.

  4. To display a table of all dashboards to which you have access—your own dashboards and all dashboards that people have shared with you—select All dashboards.

    • To sort the table, select the Name, Created, or Last modified header.
    • To filter the table:
      • You can enter a search string in the filter bar at the top of the table.
      • You can select All dashboards, My dashboards, Shared with me, or Ready-made in the list at the top of the table.
    • To create a new dashboard, select Dashboard in the upper-left corner.
    • To upload a dashboard, select Upload in the upper-left corner.
    • To delete a dashboard, select Move to trash. If there's no icon for a dashboard, it means you have permission to view that shared dashboard but not to delete it.
    • To list deleted dashboards, select Deleted in the upper-right corner of the Dashboards page.
      • To restore a deleted dashboard, select Restore.
      • To permanently delete a dashboard, select Delete permanently.
  5. To close the Dashboards table and return to your initial view, select Dashboards in the upper-left corner of the Dashboards page.

List my dashboards

To list all dashboards you own

  1. Go to Dashboards.
  2. In the Dashboards panel, select All dashboards.
  3. At the top of the Dashboards table, select My dashboards.

List dashboards shared with me

To list all dashboards shared with you

  1. Go to Dashboards.
  2. In the Dashboards panel, select All dashboards.
  3. At the top of the Dashboards table, select Shared with me.

List ready-made dashboards

To list all ready-made dashboards

  1. Go to Dashboards.
  2. In the Dashboards panel, select Ready-made dashboards.

Alternatively, you can select All dashboards and then change the filter at the top of the table from All dashboards to Ready-made.

What's special about ready-made documents
  • Created and automatically distributed by Dynatrace as examples and templates.
  • Read-only: you can edit them for use during your session, and you can save a copy with your changes, but you can't save your changes to the original document.
  • This icon in a table of documents indicates that it's a ready-made document.

Create a dashboard

To create a new dashboard

  1. Go to Dashboards.
  2. In the Dashboards panel, select New dashboard.

For details on what you can do with the new dashboard, see Edit dashboards.

Rename a dashboard

To rename a dashboard from the Dashboards panel

  1. Go to Dashboards.

  2. In the Dashboards app, the Recently modified section lists your most recently modified dashboards.

  3. Hover over the name of the dashboard you want to rename and select > Rename. If the rename option isn't available, you don't have edit rights to that dashboard.

Duplicate a dashboard

To duplicate a dashboard from the Dashboards panel

  1. Go to Dashboards.

  2. In the Dashboards app, the Recently modified section lists your most recently modified dashboards.

  3. Hover over the name of the dashboard you want to duplicate and select > Make a copy.

Download a dashboard

To download (export) the current dashboard as JSON

  1. At the top of the dashboard, open the menu next to the dashboard name.

  2. Select Download from the menu.

    The definition of the current dashboard is downloaded to a local JSON file.

To download (export) a dashboard from the side panel

  1. Go to Dashboards.

  2. In the Dashboards app, the side panel lists your Recently modified dashboards.

  3. Hover over the name of the dashboard you want to export and select > Download. The dashboard is downloaded to a local JSON file that you can upload.

Upload a dashboard

To upload (import) the JSON definition of a dashboard from the Dashboards table

  1. Go to Dashboards.

  2. In the Dashboards panel on the left, select All dashboards.

    A Dashboards table displays all dashboards by Name and Last modified date.

  3. In the upper-left corner of the page, select Upload.

  4. Find and open the dashboard JSON definition file.

To upload (import) the JSON definition of a dashboard from the Dashboards side panel

  1. In the Dashboards app, in the Dashboards panel on the left, select Upload.
  2. Find and open the dashboard JSON definition file.

An uploaded dashboard is:

  • Opened in Dynatrace.

    If you see a message about running custom code when you upload a dashboard, see Run code warnings for more information.

  • Added to your Recently modified list.

  • Added to the Dashboards page with Last modified set to the upload date and time.

Share a dashboard

If you own a document (dashboard or notebook), you can share it.

There are two ways to share a document with other Dynatrace users in your company:

  • Share access: Create and maintain a list of users and user groups that can access the document.
  • Share links: Create links (URLs) pointing to your document and distribute the links through the channel of your choice (email, for example).

These methods are not mutually exclusive. For example, you can maintain a focused list of users for ongoing access to the document (maybe everyone in a certain group edits the document regularly) and you can create and distribute view-only links for a wider audience as needed.

In either case, you control whether people can edit the document or only view it.

For details on sharing documents, see Share documents.

For details on sharing dashboards, including information about permission levels, see Share documents.

Change dashboard owner

When you create a document (dashboard or notebook), you are the owner. To give ownership of the document to another Dynatrace user

  1. Open the document menu and select Change owner.

  2. Find and select a new owner, and then select Change owner.

    When you change the document owner, you immediately lose access to the document.

    • Be sure you are ready to transfer ownership before you select this command.
    • You can regain access to the document only if the new owner gives you permisssion.
  3. After the transfer is complete, the new owner will receive email about the document ownership transfer.

Delete a dashboard

To delete any dashboard on the Dashboards page

  1. Go to Dashboards.

  2. In the Dashboards panel on the left, select All dashboards.

    A table displays all dashboards by Name and Last modified date.

  3. On the Dashboards page, select Move to trash for the dashboard you want to delete.