Dynatrace SaaS release notes version 1.299

Rollout start: Aug 26, 2024

Product news

  • Level up your Kubernetes experience with new Dynatrace dashboards

    The ability to see all the data you need in one place is critical. If you’re a Kubernetes user, no matter your proficiency level, dashboards are necessary because they tell you where there are problem areas and make your life infinitely easier by allowing you to troubleshoot and optimize your clusters faster. With Dynatrace’s ready-made and easily customizable dashboards, get all the data you need in one place to easily troubleshoot and optimize your Kubernetes environments.


Azure Cognitive Services name change

Infrastructure Observability | Azure

Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services have changed their name to Azure AI Services. The following is a list of services with the old and new names.

For details, see the Microsoft Azure AI services documentation.

Old name
New name
Azure Cognitive Services - Translator
Azure AI - Translator
Azure Cognitive Services - Text Analytics
Azure AI - Text Analytics
Azure Cognitive Services - Speech
Azure AI - Speech
Azure Cognitive Services - QnA Maker
Azure AI - QnA Maker
Azure Cognitive Services - Personalizer
Azure AI - Personalizer
Azure Cognitive Services - Language Understanding (LUIS)
Azure AI - Language Understanding (LUIS)
Azure Cognitive Services - Language Understanding (LUIS) Authoring
Azure AI - Language Understanding (LUIS) Authoring
Azure Cognitive Services - Ink Recognizer
Azure AI - Ink Recognizer
Azure Cognitive Services - Immersive Reader
Azure AI - Immersive Reader
Azure Cognitive Services - Face
Azure AI - Face
Azure Cognitive Services - Custom Vision Training
Azure AI - Custom Vision Training
Azure Cognitive Services - Custom Vision Prediction
Azure AI - Custom Vision Prediction
Azure Cognitive Services - Content Moderator
Azure AI - Content Moderator
Azure Cognitive Services - Computer Vision
Azure AI - Computer Vision
Azure Cognitive Services - Bing Spell Check
Azure AI - Bing Spell Check
Azure Cognitive Services - Bing Search
Azure AI - Bing Search
Azure Cognitive Services - Bing Entity Search
Azure AI - Bing Entity Search
Azure Cognitive Services - Bing Custom Search
Azure AI - Bing Custom Search
Azure Cognitive Services - Bing Autosuggest
Azure AI - Bing Autosuggest
Azure Cognitive Services - Anomaly Detector
Azure AI - Anomaly Detector
Azure Cognitive Services - All-In-One
Azure AI - All In One

New features and enhancements

Dashboards and Notebooks: Open field with and Open record with

Platform | Dashboards Platform | Notebooks

When you select a field (for example, a Service ID) in a data table and other visualizations, you now have two Explore options:

  • Open field with focuses on the field you selected (for example, a Service ID) and passes it to the Open with dialog. This narrows down the Open with options and makes sure you get suggestions for exactly the field you clicked.
  • Open record with passes the whole record to the Open with dialog, not taking into account which field you selected. This results in a broader range of possible Open with options.

Dashboards and Notebooks: Continuous improvements of visualization options

Platform | Dashboards Platform | Notebooks

In this and future releases, we're extending the customization options of the majority of our data visualizations in both the Dashboards and Notebooks apps. At the same time, we're introducing new unified UI visualization controls across both apps to improve the overall usability of these settings.

IP allowlisting

Account Management | Security

With environment IP allowlisting, Dynatrace provides you with fine-tuned control over external access to your environments.

IP address allowlisting restricts access to your environment to specific IP addresses that you consider acceptable.

This includes access to the Dynatrace web UI and the API. With this configuration, you can significantly restrict the threat actor from direct access to your Dynatrace environment.

For more information, see Allow IP ranges that can access your environment.

Root cause analysis based on distributed traces exported to Grail

Platform | Davis Platform | Grail

Root cause analysis findings based on distributed traces (PurePath) are now exported to Grail as events.

  • Query these events using dt.davis.events
  • Filter for event.provider == "ROOT_CAUSE_ANALYSIS"

Note that events from a root cause analysis have no lifecycle, but are real snapshots at the time of root cause analysis.

Metric selector events enhancements

Platform | Davis

Metric selector events have been enhanced to:

  • Enable monitoring of every new timeseries (for example, triggered by a new host) from the very first data point.
  • Improve handling of sparse timeseries data.
  • Improve throttling behavior when the dimension limit is reached.

Active problems might time out during a short transition period. Nevertheless, Davis continues to detect anomalies even if a timeout occurs.

SDLC event configuration API

Platform | OpenPipeline

Software Developement Lifecycle (SDLC) event processing can be configured via OpenPipeline API.

Dynatrace API

To learn about changes to the Dynatrace API in this release, see Dynatrace API changelog version 1.299.

Dynatrace SaaS resolved issues

General Availability (Build 1.299.31)

The 1.299 GA release doesn't contain any user-facing resolved issues.

Update 38 (Build 1.299.38)

This cumulative update contains 9 resolved issues and all previously released updates for the 1.299 release.


  • ActiveGate no longer drops large snapshots ("Binary message size [x] exceeds maximum size [65536]"). (DOB-908)

Dynatrace Cluster

  • Changed the unit from GB to GiB in the FSx AWS service "Storage capacity (GB)" attribute. The attribute is now "Storage capacity (GiB)". (PCLOUDS-4678)
  • Disabled assigning null locations to synthetic monitors. (SYNTH-12353)
  • To prevent rejected problem notification emails due to an oversized email body, problem notification email bodies are now truncated to approximately 4 million characters. (DI-15755)
  • In the Format Table dialog, searching for columns is now caps agnostic. (LOG-7769)
  • Fixed an issue where PUT requests to save AWS monitoring configurations wiped non-required fields from the database (regions, enabled, runningOnDTInfrastructure, tagsToMonitor). (PCLOUDS-4764)
  • Fixed an issue where offline PGIs were still considered for monitoring and usage. (RSA-17167)
  • Fixed an issue where PGIs excluded from monitoring were generating usage. (RSA-17259)

User interface

  • Fixed an issue with the Log Events log detail viewer that occurred when a log had a `null` value in an attribute. (LOG-7172)