Dynatrace SaaS release notes version 1.203

Product news

Resolved issues

General Availability (Build 1.203.109)

The 1.203 GA release contains 21 resolved issues (including 1 vulnerability resolution).

ComponentResolved issues
Cluster19 (1 vulnerability)


  • Vulnerability: User with limited access can no longer access report details and share public links. (APM-252723)
  • Docker technology monitoring no longer states that it consumes DDUs. (APM-254684)
  • Improved RUM user action correlation. (APM-255715)
  • Resolved issue in which, on the 'User sessions' > [user details] page, setting a filter for 'Live: Yes' and then selecting a timeframe of 'Last 30 minutes' led to a technical difficulty page. (APM-252694)
  • Fixed Swagger/OpenAPI spec for Kubernetes event patterns. (APM-254477)
  • Resolved issue in which "Create a synthetic monitor" button was not displayed when a management zone without synthetic monitors was selected and there were third-party monitors on the environment. (APM-255286)
  • Resolved issue that led to technical difficulties page when selecting a service on the service overview page. (APM-258720)
  • The cluster-wide screenshot setting is no longer unintentionally disabled during changes to global synthetic settings. (APM-256075)
  • Explorer (Early Adopter release) tiles now correctly update with a last x timeframe when left open on a dashboard. (APM-256769)
  • Cleaned up documentation for the `writtenSince` parameter in the `/metrics` endpoint. (APM-255171)
  • Dashboard API filtering by owner now matches only with exact strings (fixes not matching with empty string issue). (APM-255289)
  • Resolved issue in which Azure main page crashed when there was only one Azure subscription in the environment and that subscription was waiting for data. (APM-255758)
  • Resolved issue in which, in the Events API, the next page cursor lost event type filter when navigating to the third page. The cursor now takes the eventType and entityId from the previous cursor if eventType and entityId are not explicitly specified. (APM-256140)
  • Synthetic update REST API now allows the condition for generating an availability problem to be 5 times consecutively (formerly up to 3), as in the UI. (APM-254849)
  • Fixed rounding error in response time filters that led to incorrect PurePath exclusions. (APM-255615)
  • Passing empty body to the calculated service metrics endpoint produces correct result (null pointer exception resolved). (APM-256545)
  • Filter suggestions list in Explorer is now correctly displayed when entering additional filtering options. (APM-256891)
  • On "Deployment status" page for OneAgents, "Host group" filter suggestions are now populated with existing host groups in whole environment even if a management zone is selected, and suggestions for "Host group" filter are updated after changing the management zone or timeframe (no need to refresh page manually to update suggestions). (APM-256703)
  • Improved analysis of Xamarin crash data. (APM-254984)


  • CloudFoundry API v3 pagination fixed. (APM-256390)


  • Added support for self-signed certificates for OneAgent communication via an encrypted forward proxy server. (ONE-41317)