General Availability (Build .185)
The .185 GA release contains 13 resolved issues.
- Fixed an issue where mobile crash report timed out. (APM-215856)
- Fixed an issue on user action screen, where y-axis label had negative value. (APM-212174)
- Turning on/off for extensions in beta stage works correctly. (APM-217977)
- JMX MBeans double quotes don't causes error on saving an extension. (APM-212252)
- Dashboards, docker tile - in some cases number of docker containers one week may be different that the number of monitored containers during that time. (APM-208945)
- Direct link to download ActiveGate for Linux OS was built incorrectly - API token part of link was in wrong place. Instead of query GET parameter, it was added to header section. (APM-213183)
- Fix Autoupdate status for host - information about problem with update may be missing. (APM-213344)
- Process infographic displays now average values over time for custom timeframes. (APM-214222)
- Fix missing "Other processes" row in Host's processes list when host stopped being monitored. (APM-213985)
- System load chart for host might have been wrongly scaled in case there was no data for system load 5 and 15. (APM-214601)
- Improve error message when invalid columns are used in USQL queries. (APM-211586)
- During the update from Sprint 183 to Sprint 184 it was possible in rare cases that internal migration code caused an endless loop which consumed all webserver threads in the thread pool causing a server becoming unresponsive. (APM-217530)
Core UI
- Fixed the page ribbon not being minimised after scrolling down. (APM-213270)