Dynatrace SaaS release notes version 1.182
New features and enhancements
Product news
- Understand and optimize user journeys with funnel charting
To help you understand and optimize your users' journeys through your applications, we've introduced funnel charting–the ability to query and visualize conversion funnels using user session queries.
- Improve user experience with more visibility into CDN-related HTTP errors (Part 1)
Everyone is doing HTTP error monitoring these days. The question is, are you doing it the right way? If you think your web server logs are showing you all your HTTP errors, you're probably wrong. You're likely missing a lot.
- Start monitoring your web application’s availability with one click
Real User Monitoring (RUM) is one of the building blocks of Dynatrace Digital Experience Monitoring and the only way to monitor your users’ experience. Another building block is Synthetic Monitoring, which adds two additional and important use cases that are hard to cover with RUM. Availability monitoring—Is my application working 24 x 7? Performance baseline […]
Resolved issues
General Availability (Build .182)
The .182 GA release contains 9 resolved issues.
- For HTTP monitors assigned to management zone save button was disabled. (APM-205029)
- Problem occurred while viewing HTTP monitor data, and searching for a different one (in global search). After clicking to see different monitor data, page was not refreshed. (APM-205033)
- Network overview - Fix misleading message about applied filters. (APM-204460)
- Fixed problem with accessing agents deployment status with limited access rights. (APM-206189)
- Fix problem with no plugin metrics visible for host plugin with only keyCharts defined (and no keyMetrics nor charts). (APM-206387)
Core UI
- Fixed Session Details page request not triggered when changing a management zone. (APM-203030)
- Fixed shifting by an additional minute when switching the global time frame with arrows. (APM-206604)
Log Analytics
- Improved suggestion panels overlay behaviour in Log Viewer. (APM-204986)
- Fixes correlation of user action timings when connected actions are sent with more than one beacon signal from the JavaScript Agent. (APM-205419)