Request attribute query parameter capturing could also capture values if the desired parameter was a substring of an existing query parameter. (APM-198266)
Fixed link to symbol file management screen in mobile crash details. (APM-196833)
Fixed download of symbolicated stacktrace in user sessions details. (APM-197945)
Agent deployments status - improvement to show global host unit usage for cases when only part of environment is presented. (APM-197463)
Fixed an error that caused gaps in charts for SQL queries with execution time longer 5 minutes. (APM-196068)
Fixed an error that was preventing downloading execution plan when using Firefox browser. (APM-198734)
The value of "Dynatrace Web UI URL" that can be configured in CMC at Settings > Public Endpoints is now used by API Explorer (e.g. for trying out requests via the API Explorer). (APM-195628)
Allow users who may only access management-zones to use the API Explorer. (APM-197561)
Core UI
ComboBox doesn't suggest items when pasting a value. (APM-197474)