Dynatrace SaaS release notes version 1.179

New features and enhancements

Product news

  • Faster reaction time to service outages with Davis AI

    Imagine that your critical services have been running for weeks without incident when suddenly your Tomcat cluster is stuck and your service completely fails. This situation represents an Ops team’s worst nightmare. In such a situation, the Ops team must react quickly to find the root cause of the service outage and figure out how […]

Other changes

  • Monitoring of multiple AWS environments (credentials) is now automatically spread across all ActiveGates configured for AWS.

Resolved issues

General Availability (Build .179)

The .179 GA release contains 9 resolved issues.

ComponentResolved issues
Core UI1


  • Request attribute query parameter capturing could also capture values if the desired parameter was a substring of an existing query parameter. (APM-198266)


  • Fixed link to symbol file management screen in mobile crash details. (APM-196833)
  • Fixed download of symbolicated stacktrace in user sessions details. (APM-197945)


  • Agent deployments status - improvement to show global host unit usage for cases when only part of environment is presented. (APM-197463)
  • Fixed an error that caused gaps in charts for SQL queries with execution time longer 5 minutes. (APM-196068)
  • Fixed an error that was preventing downloading execution plan when using Firefox browser. (APM-198734)
  • The value of "Dynatrace Web UI URL" that can be configured in CMC at Settings > Public Endpoints is now used by API Explorer (e.g. for trying out requests via the API Explorer). (APM-195628)
  • Allow users who may only access management-zones to use the API Explorer. (APM-197561)

Core UI

  • ComboBox doesn't suggest items when pasting a value. (APM-197474)