OneAgent release notes version 1.299
Rollout start: Sep 9, 2024
With this release, the following are the oldest supported OneAgent versions.
For details, see How long are versions supported following rollout?.
Breaking changes
Java monitoring updates
Application Observability | Hosts
As of this OneAgent release, Java 23 processes are now fully monitored. We now support LTS versions plus the last four Java versions (20, 21, 22, 23).
However, Java 19 is no longer monitored. If you are running Java 19, you need to update your JVMs or keep using older OneAgent versions.
Technology support
Definition of the technology support version schema with examples:
Major version 5 is supported
- Major version 5 is supported, including all of its minor versions like 5.1 and 5.2
- Other major versions are not supported like 6 and 7
Minor version 5.1 is supported
- Minor version 5.1 is supported, including all of its patch versions like 5.1.1 and 5.1.2
- Other minor versions are not supported like 5.2 and 5.3
Patch version 5.1.1 is supported
- Patch version 5.1.1 is supported
- Other patch versions are not supported like 5.1.2 and 5.1.3
Version range 5.1 – 5.3 is supported
- Minor versions 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 are supported, including all of their patch versions like 5.1.1, 5.2.1, and 5.3.1
- Other minor versions are not supported like 5.0 and 5.4
The minimum required version is 5+
- All major, minor, and patch versions starting from version 5 are supported, like 5, 5.1, 5.1.1, and 6
New technology support
For more information, see New technology support.
End of support
For more information, see End of support announcements.
New features and enhancements
Added Go Kafka IBM/Sarama support
Application Observability | Hosts
Added support for Apache Kafka message monitoring of the IBM/sarama library on GitHub.
Java virtual threads
Application Observability | Hosts
New feature Java virtual threads is now available as an opt-in starting with this OneAgent release.
This introduces the following functionality for Java 21 virtual threads:
- Context-propagation to virtual threads started within distributed traces
- Correct CPU time for distributed traces executing in virtual threads
- CPU profiling (method hotspots) for distributed traces
- Continuous CPU profiling (method hotspots) for background activity
Java 23 processes now fully monitored
Application Observability | Hosts
Java 23 processes are now fully monitored. We support LTS versions plus the last four Java versions (20, 21, 22, 23).
Note: Java 19 processes are no longer monitored.
Resolved issues
General Availability (Build 1.299.34)
The 1.299 GA release contains 14 resolved issues.
Component | Resolved issues |
OS module | 4 |
.NET | 3 |
General | 2 |
Network module | 2 |
Java | 1 |
OneAgent Installer | 1 |
Apache | 1 |
OS module
- Fixed an issue that caused missing infrastructure metrics due to the `oneagentos` process being stuck on starting the eBPF discovery co-process. (OA-34532)
- Removed checking if a drive is a block device, which caused a performance impact on monitoring non-EBS disks. (HOST-6604)
- SAP dispatcher processes on AIX are now split into instances according to system name and instance number. (HOST-6528)
- The MS SQL Analysis Service process, previously a part of MS SQL Common, is now shown as a separate process. (HOST-6488)
- Fixed an issue with the .NET WCF v2 sensor that caused corrupted traces. (OA-31728)
- Fixed an issue with the .NET Azure Service Bus OneAgent feature that prevented application exceptions from being re-thrown and led to behavioral issues. (OA-33775)
- Fixed an issue with the .NET Azure Service Bus sensor which lead to being unable to process messages using a SessionProcessor. (OA-35349)
- Fixed detection of SpringBoot application name from a properties file embedded into the application JAR archive when the external properties file didn’t contain it. (OA-34698)
- Fixed a PHP Microsoft SQL Server module issue that occasionally led to process crashes when `$params` in `sqlsrv_prepare()` was not present. (OA-33165)
Network module
- Disabled network throttler custom event to prevent spam in the received events list. (It can be enabled again under osdebugFlag `debugNetAgentThrottlerEnable`.). (HOST-6607)
- Resolved a division-by-zero error that caused a network agent crash. (OA-35473)
- The interval for reporting the metric `dt.runtime.jvm.gc.suspension_time` was incorrect. It is now 0-100% instead of 0.0-0.1. (OA-33182)
OneAgent Installer
- Corrected an issue with ldconfig file ownership change after OneAgent upgrade. (DMX-8083)
- Fixed an Apache log instrumentation issue where a log line was repeated several times. (OA-33404)
OneAgent for Android
General Availability (Build 8.299.1)
The 8.299 GA release contains 1 resolved issue.
Session Replay for Android
- TrackCustomEvent is correctly supported with ComponentActivity. (SR-5735)
OneAgent for iOS
General Availability (Build 8.299.0)
The 8.299 GA release doesn't contain any user-facing resolved issues.
OneAgent for JavaScript
General Availability (Build 1.299.3)
The 1.299 GA release contains 2 resolved issues.
Component | Resolved issues |
JavaScript | 1 |
Session Replay | 1 |
- Fixed an issue with the xhr module that happened when the URL is passed in as a URL object instead of a string. (RUM-21527)
Session Replay
- Session Replay is now able to record cross-origin iframes again. When both frames share the same application ID, only a single session is recorded as expected. When the application ID differs between frames, you can choose the desired recording behavior: the default is to record those frames in isolation as separated sessions; if maintaining a single session is expected, then the JavaScript agent must be configured to disable the `APP_CHECK` flag with `ac=false` inside both applications. (SR-5610)