OneAgent release notes version 1.291

Rollout start: May 21, 2024

With this release, the following are the oldest supported OneAgent versions.

Support level
Oldest version supported
Standard Support
Enterprise Success and Support

For details, see How long are versions supported following rollout?.

Breaking changes

Process PID dimension should be named

Infrastructure Observability | Hosts

The rx_pid metric dimension has been renamed to

Technology support

Definition of the technology support version schema with examples:

  • Major version 5 is supported

    • Major version 5 is supported, including all of its minor versions like 5.1 and 5.2
    • Other major versions are not supported like 6 and 7
  • Minor version 5.1 is supported

    • Minor version 5.1 is supported, including all of its patch versions like 5.1.1 and 5.1.2
    • Other minor versions are not supported like 5.2 and 5.3
  • Patch version 5.1.1 is supported

    • Patch version 5.1.1 is supported
    • Other patch versions are not supported like 5.1.2 and 5.1.3
  • Version range 5.1 – 5.3 is supported

    • Minor versions 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 are supported, including all of their patch versions like 5.1.1, 5.2.1, and 5.3.1
    • Other minor versions are not supported like 5.0 and 5.4
  • The minimum required version is 5+

    • All major, minor, and patch versions starting from version 5 are supported, like 5, 5.1, 5.1.1, and 6

New technology support

For more information, see New technology support.

  • Azure Messaging Service Bus 7+ (.NET module)
  • Bunyan 1+ log enrichment (Node.js module)

End of support

For more information, see End of support announcements.


We're dropping support for IE 11

Starting with RUM JavaScript version 1.293, we will stop supporting Internet Explorer 11. For more information, see RUM JavaScript for Internet Explorer 11 and the related announcement in the Dynatrace Community.

New features and enhancements

Signature validation for custom extensions

Infrastructure Observability | Extensions

Signature validation for custom extensions now accepts the codeSigning extended key usage set for the certificate.

Support for cpuset.cpus cgroups controller

Infrastructure Observability | Hosts

Added support for the cpuset.cpus cgroups controller (in cgroups v1 and cgroups v2), allowing CPU pinning (static CPU Manager policy in Kubernetes). It will be reported as part of the existing CPU Throttling value (dt.containers.cpu.throttling_ratio).

This value is typically set on the Docker container with the parameter --cpuset-cpus=VALUE or in Kubernetes with --cpu-manager-policy=static.

Note that the CPU throttling values also incorporate a possibly preexisting CPU quota (over a given period). If the quota/period is limited to a single CPU, the throttling value cannot exceed that limit, even if there are two CPUs assigned in cpuset.cpus.

Host-level resource attributes dt.cost.costcenter and dt.cost.product

Infrastructure Observability | Hosts

You can now set dt.cost.costcenter and dt.cost.product as host-level resource attributes via host tags and host properties.

For the changes to be reflected on the host page and in monitored entities, and to enrich associated metrics, no OneAgent restart is required.

Remember: host tags permit duplicate keys, whereas host properties do not.

Resolved issues

General Availability (Build version_1.291.107)

The version_1.291 GA release contains 9 resolved issues.

ComponentResolved issues
OS module4


  • Improved detection of code location for .NET code-level vulnerabilities. Existing .NET code-level vulnerabilities may change their security vulnerability ID. (OA-29426)
  • Resolved issue in which empty but existing cgroup file `cpuset.cpus` was considered as one CPU assigned, which possibly led to faulty representation of the `Containers: CPU usage % of limit` metric. (OA-30138)
  • Resolved an issue in which the Node.js code module remained `inactive` if the initial setup request failed. (OA-29438)

OS module

  • Fixed cases where IO metrics for NFS shares were missing on Linux when a "\" path was shared. (HOST-5614)
  • Improved Tibco detection to also include processes started from symlink on Linux. (HOST-5851)
  • Replaced the `rx_pid` dimension with the `` dimension in the `dt.process.handles.file_descriptors_percent_used` metric. (HOST-5689)
  • Fixed an issue that caused invalid disk IO metrics to be sent for network shares with multiple mount points. (HOST-5760)


  • Improved the Tibco 5 introspection code to resolve an issue causing a 10-minute timeout with some traces because they were not finished correctly by the sensor. This fix addresses and fixes a problem the sensor had with Tibco workflows ending with an error. (OA-29646)


  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect operation of the OneAgent .NET RAP/CLV code module, which resulted in exceptions. (OA-30602)

Update 121 (Build 1.291.121)

This cumulative update contains 1 resolved issue and all previously released updates for the 1.291 release.


  • Fixed an Apache OneAgent Log Enrichment segfault issue. (OA-30912)

Update 165 (Build 1.291.165)

This cumulative update contains 2 resolved issues and all previously released updates for the 1.291 release.

ComponentResolved issues


  • Fixed BrokenPipeError during startup of some Python extensions. (EXT-10219)


  • Fixes an issue that hindered the startup of an instrumented ElasticSearch server when the Live Debugging feature is enabled. (OA-33795)

OneAgent for Android

General Availability (Build 8.291.1)

The 8.291 GA release doesn't contain any user-facing resolved issues.

OneAgent for iOS

GPS capturing off by default

Digital Experience | RUM Mobile

GPS capturing is now off by default.

Remove .skip file during the restore step

Digital Experience | RUM Mobile

The .skip file now gets removed during the restore step of SwiftUI instrumentation.

OneAgent for iOS resolved issues

General Availability (Build version_8.291.1)

The version_8.291 GA release doesn't contain any user-facing resolved issues.