Dynatrace Operator release notes version 1.1.0

Release date: May 7, 2024

New features and enhancements

  • Communications between Dynatrace Operator and Dynatrace Environment now feature improved timeout management.
  • The DNS entry point in ActiveGate now supports IPv6 and dual-stack clusters.
  • Dynatrace version 1.277+ The request to retrieve the process module config now includes the agentType section.
  • Version-tagged images are now used by default in the ActiveGate StatefulSet and OneAgent DaemonSet instead of latest triggering new rollouts by configuration changes.
  • When using the Dynatrace built-in registry, preconfigured ActiveGate and OneAgent images are no longer used by Dynatrace Operator for performance optimization reasons and are configured at runtime.
  • The EdgeConnect CRD has been enhanced with two additional fields: proxy and caCertsRef, and configuration is now handled through an edgeConnect.yaml rather than environment variables.
  • Workload kind and name annotations are added to each pod when performing the webhook injection:
    • metadata.dynatrace.com/k8s.workload.kind
    • metadata.dynatrace.com/k8s.workload.name
  • Custom TLS Root CAs (trustedCAs field in DynaKube) are applied to both ActiveGate and injected OneAgents, which are used for connections to proxies and the Dynatrace server.

Resolved issues

  • The issue with providing the same argument multiple times for OneAgent has been resolved. Arguments from DynaKube are now merged last and take precedence.
  • Fixed an issue where the feature.dynatrace.com/oneagent-ignore-proxy feature flag was not being correctly used for the OneAgent DaemonSet.

Upgrade from Dynatrace Operator version 1.0.0

No breaking changes!