Dynatrace API changelog version 1.241
Environment API
- Access tokens API
- New possible value in the scopes field of the ApiToken and the ApiTokenCreate objects:
- Log Monitoring API v2
- Metrics API v2
- New fields in the MetricSeriesCollection object:
dataPointCountRatio (float
dimensionCountRatio (float
- Settings API
- New response code in all requests:
403 - The following query parameters of the GET settings objects request are now optional:
To load the first page, when the nextPageKey is not set, at least one of these parameters must be set.
- Service-level objectives API
- New field in the SloBurnRate object:
estimatedTimeToConsumeErrorBudget (double
- Tokens API v1
- New possible value in the scopes field of the TokenMetadata and the CreateTenantToken objects as well as the permissions query parameter of the GET all tokens request:
Configuration API
- Dashboards API
Breaking change The following field of the Dashboard object has been moved:
tilesNameSize -> dashboardMetadata.tilesNameSize
Early Adopter availability
The following API is now available in Early Adopter release:
- Environment API
GET /securityProblems/{id}/vulnerableFunctions
GA availability
The following API is now available in GA: