Dynatrace API changelog version 1.185
Environment API
- Metrics API v2
- The following fields have been added to the MetricDescriptor object**:
Configuration API
Automatically applied tags API
- The following possible values have been added to the type field of the ComparisonBasic object, along with corresponding extension object:
-> IndexedStringComparisonINDEXED_TAG
-> IndexedTagComparison
- The following possible values have been added to the type field of the AutoTagRule object:
Log Monitoring metrics API
- The following possible values have been added to the input field of the UserActionNamingPlaceholder object:
Management zones API
- The following possible values have been added to the type field of the ComparisonBasic object, along with corresponding extension object:
-> IndexedStringComparisonINDEXED_TAG
-> IndexedTagComparison
Request naming API
- The following possible values have been added to the type field of the ComparisonInfo object, along with corresponding extension object:
-> ESBInputNodeTypeComparisonInfo
deprecated The following possible values have been removed from the type field of the ComparisonInfo object, along with corresponding extension object:
-> IIBInputNodeTypeComparisonInfo
Existing requests still work.
- The following possible values have been added to the attribute field of the Condition object:
deprecated The following possible values have been removed from the attribute field of the Condition object:
Existing requests still work.
Service detection rules API
- The following possible values have been added to the type field of the ComparisonInfo object, along with corresponding extension object:
-> TagCompareOperation
- The following possible values have been added to the attributeType field of the conditions objects:
- The following fields have been added to the RequestRule object:
Web application configuration API
- The following possible values have been added to the input field of the UserActionNamingPlaceholder object:
- The following fields have been added to the MonitoringSettings object:
- addCrossOriginAnonymousAttribute
- scriptTagCacheDurationInHours
Preview availability
The OneAgent on host Environment and Configuration API is now available in Preview.
Early Adopter release availability
The Log Monitoring metrics API is now available as Early Adopter release.
URL change
Breaking change The following Preview URLs have been deprecated. Requests to these URLs return 404.
| - /calculatedMetrics/log
- /calculatedMetrics/log/{metricKey}
- /calculatedMetrics/log/{metricKey}/validator
Refer to Log Monitoring metrics API for a description of actual APIs.