Install OneAgent using Ansible

Dynatrace provides an Ansible collection that you can use to orchestrate OneAgent deployment in your environment.


  • Ansible >= 2.15.0
  • OneAgent version 1.199+
  • Dynatrace version 1.204+
  • Script access to OneAgent installer files



  • pywinrm 0.4.3+

Install the Dynatrace Ansible collection

The Dynatrace Ansible collection project is hosted on GitHub and available via Ansible Galaxy. To install the dynatrace.oneagent Ansible collection, run the following command:

ansible-galaxy collection install dynatrace.oneagent

The collection consists of a single Ansible role, which deploys OneAgent using a dedicated configuration. The configuration ensures that the OneAgent service remains in a running state. For more information, see Using collections in Ansible documentation.

Configure the Dynatrace Ansible collection

The Ansible script requires access to the appropriate OneAgent installer files.

  • If your Ansible control node has access to your Dynatrace environment, you can configure the script to download the installer files directly from the Dynatrace environment.
  • Alternatively, you can download the appropriate installer files yourself—using the Dynatrace web UI—and upload them to the control node. This provides the script with local copies of the installers.

Option 1: Use direct download from Dynatrace environment

The script utilizes Deployment API to download the platform-specific installers to the managed nodes. You will need to specify the variables to supply the Ansible role with the information required to authenticate the API call in your environment:

  • oneagent_environment_url:

    • SaaS: https://{your-environment-id}
    • Managed: https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}
  • oneagent_paas_token

    • The PaaS token of your environment

      For example:

      # Set environment variables
      oneagent_environment_url: ''
      oneagent_paas_token: 'abcdefjhij1234567890'

We recommend that you store both the PAAS-token and the environment-id securely, using encryption mechanisms such as Ansible Vault. For details, see Encrypting content with Ansible Vault.

Option 2: Use local installers

Use the Dynatrace web UI to download the required OneAgent installer files and then upload them to the control node. The Ansible script will then copy the installer files to the managed nodes during execution.

Use the oneagent_local_installer variable to supply the Ansible role with the path of the installer file. For example:

oneagent_local_installer: /path/of/

Note that Windows, Linux, and AIX require their dedicated installers. The original installer names, as downloaded from Dynatrace, include target platform designations. If you change the installer names, make sure the script can distinguish them.

If you don't specify a local installer, the script attempts to use the direct download method.

For sample usage, see the local_installer.yml file in Examples.


The OneAgent Ansible role supports the following variables:

The URL of the target Dynatrace environment (SaaS or Managed)
The PaaS token retrieved from the PaaS integration page
The path of the OneAgent installer stored on the control node
Linux: x86
Windows: x86
AIX: ppc
The OneAgent installer architecture
The required version of the OneAgent in format
Linux/AIX: $TEMP or /tmp
Windows: %TEMP% or C:\Windows\Temp
The installer download directory—for Linux and AIX, the directory must not contain spaces.
Dynatrace OneAgent installation parameters defined as a list of items
Additional list of platform-specific installation parameters, appended to `oneagent_install_args' when run on the respective platform
Option to preserve the installer on the managed node after OneAgent installation
Desired OneAgent package state—specify present or latest to install. Specify absent to uninstall.
Option to reboot the managed node after OneAgent installation
Option to require certificates—if set to false, allows to download OneAgent from a server with an insecure SSL certificate (for example, expired or self-signed).
Timeout, in seconds, for rebooting the managed node


Instead of being printed to STDOUT, the logs produced by Ansible can be collected into a single file located on the managed node. There are several ways to achieve this using Ansible configuration setting:

  • Set the ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH environment variable to the path of the log file.
  • Specify the log_path variable in the [default] section of Ansible's configuration settings file.

The verbosity of the logs can be controlled with the -v command-line option. Repeating the option multiple times increases the verbosity level up to the connection debugging level, which is achieved with -vvvv.


The following example playbook:

  • Downloads a OneAgent installer of a specific version (oneagent_version) and saves it to a custom directory (oneagent_download_dir).
  • Uses the vars_files variable to point to a secure credentials.yml file that stores your Environment ID and PaaS token.
  • Instructs the script to deploy OneAgent on the host groups called linux_other and linux_arm in your inventory
  • Instructs the script to use x86 as the default architecture for the linux_other host group. The linux_arm host group has its own oneagent_installer_arch parameter specified in the inventory file.
  • Uses the oneagent_install_args variable to specify the OneAgent installation parameters that assign the hosts to the My.HostGroup_123-456 host group and to the network zone.
  • Sets a different USER parameter using the oneagent_platform_install_args parameter for each host group in the inventory.
- name: Download OneAgent installer in specific version to a custom
directory with additional OneAgent install parameters. Both linux_other
and linux_arm have different user specified by platform args parameter.
hosts: linux_other,linux_arm
- dynatrace.oneagent
- encrypted_credentials.yml
oneagent_download_dir: /home/user1
- INSTALL_PATH=/opt/example
- --set-host-group=My.HostGroup_123-456
- import_role:
name: oneagent

You can find more example playbooks and inventory files in the examples directory within the Ansible role. The directory contains the following playbooks:

  • local_installer.yml — OneAgent installation using a local installer.
  • advanced_config.yml — OneAgent installation with a custom installation path and a download directory.
  • oneagentctl_config.yml — OneAgent configuration using the oneagentctl command.

In addition, each directory contains an inventory file with a basic host configuration for playbooks.

For path issues when installing on Windows, review Path Formatting for Windows in Ansible documentation.