Migrate your configuration from Monaco 1.x to 2.x

The last Monaco version to support the convert command is Monaco version 2.19.0.
If you want to convert your project using the steps outlined on this page, download and use this version.

If you use Dynatrace Configuration as Code via Monaco (Dynatrace Monaco CLI) 1.x, this section will guide you through migrating to version 2.x.

If you don't have a previous configuration, see Deploy your first configuration instead.


  • Dynatrace Monaco CLI 2.0.0 - Monaco CLI 2.19.0 installed (see Install Dynatrace Configuration as Code via Monaco) and available on your PATH.
  • An existing Dynatrace Monaco CLI version 1.x project.
  • A Dynatrace environment and permission to create environment tokens.
  • A Dynatrace pre-existing token, or new token with the required permissions for your Dynatrace Monaco CLI 1.x configuration. To learn how to create tokens, see Access tokens classic.
  • If your Dynatrace Monaco CLI 1.x project still uses deprecated config types, you should migrate them before conversion: Migrate deprecated configuration types

Sample project

This guide will help you convert your existing projects.

To illustrate the commands, we convert a project found in the samples in the GitHub repository.

If you want to follow the exact commands of the guide, clone or download the repo and navigate into the observability_clinic_sample folder.

Convert your project

Migrating existing Monaco 1.x projects is as simple as running the new convert command.

For this sample, we assume that your existing configuration is located in a folder called existing_v1_config.

The content of this sample folder looks like this:

├── project/
├── application-web/
├── auto-tag/
├── slo/
└── synthetic-monitor/
└── environments.yaml

To recap how things work in Monaco 1.x, this folder contains the following:

  • A project folder called project
  • The project folder contains configuration folders for application-web, auto-tag, slo, and synthetic-monitor configurations.
    • Each of these configuration folders contains a configuration YAML file and one or more JSON templates.
  • The environments.yaml file defines the environments this configuration project is deployed to.
  1. Open your preferred terminal.

  2. Navigate to the directory above your configuration folder /existing_v1_config.

  3. Run monaco convert using environments.yaml and the existing_v1_config folder.

    monaco convert existing_v1_config/environments.yaml existing_v1_config -o converted_config

    The -o flag allows defining the name of the converted output folder.

  4. Inspect the converted_config that Monaco has created.

    ls existing_v1_config-v2

    It should look like this:

    ├── project/
    ├── application-web/
    ├── auto-tag/
    ├── slo/
    └── synthetic-monitor/
    └── manifest.yaml

Differences between 1.x and 2.x

The main visible differences between versions 1.x and 2.x are the introduction of structured configuration.

Let's take a look at how the project has changed in detail.

Project folder

On a folder level, your environments.yaml is replaced with a manifest.yaml.

├── project/
├── application-web/
├── auto-tag/
├── slo/
└── synthetic-monitor/
└── environments.yaml

From environments.yaml to manifest.yaml

  • Version 1.x defined projects as folders in the directory where the CLI is executed, while version 2.x introduces manifest files, which define projects (what is being deployed) as well as the environments previously defined in environment files (where these configurations are to be deployed).
  • To indicate that the URL is loaded from an environment variable:
    • In version 1.x, we use the special templating prefix .Env.
    • In version 2.x, we use an explicit type

For more about manifest files, see Manage Dynatrace Configuration as Code via Monaco.

- name: "Sample Environment"
- env-url: {{ .Env.DEMO_ENV_URL }}
- env-token-name: "DEMO_ENV_TOKEN"


  • Configuration YAML files in version 2.x change substantially compared to the simple key-value lists of version 1.x.
  • JSON payload templates are unchanged between version 1.x and version 2.x.

Have a closer look at how the SLO configuration has changed below. For more details, see Configuration.

- slo: "slo.json"
- name: "My App's Availability SLO"
- metricName: "my_app_synthetic_availability"
- syntheticId: "/project/synthetic-monitor/AppAvailabilityMonitor.id"
- thresholdTarget: "99.98"
- thresholdWarning: "99.99"

Note how the syntheticId field defines a reference to a synthetic-monitor's ID in 1.x's string format.

Environment overrides

Similar to the other configuration changes, version 2.x makes the definition of environment overrides more explicit.

For details, see Configuration.

- slo: "slo.json"
- name: "My App's Availability SLO"
- thresholdTarget: "99"
- name: "My App's Availability SLO - on DEV stage"
- thresholdTarget: "99.999"

Deploy your converted project

Now we deploy the newly converted project to the same environment already managed by the Dynatrace Monaco CLI.

  1. Export your Dynatrace token to your environment. Make sure your token has the required permissions for your configuration (in this example, Write configuration (WriteConfig)).

    export DEMO_ENV_TOKEN=YourTokenValue

    The environment variable name will be same as in your 1.x environments.yaml (for this sample project, it's DEMO_ENV_TOKEN).

  2. Run monaco deploy --dry-run to make sure your configuration is syntactically valid and consistent.

    monaco deploy --dry-run converted_config/manifest.yaml
  3. If the dry run is successful, the Dynatrace Monaco CLI returns a message similar to the following:

    2023/02/09 16:57:13 INFO Dynatrace Configuration as Code v2.0.0
    2023/02/09 16:57:13 INFO Projects to be deployed:
    2023/02/09 16:57:13 INFO - project
    2023/02/09 16:57:13 INFO Environments to deploy to:
    2023/02/09 16:57:13 INFO - environment1
    2023/02/09 16:57:13 INFO Validating configurations for environment `environment1`...
    2023/02/09 16:57:13 INFO Validating config project:application-web:myApp
    2023/02/09 16:57:13 INFO Validating config project:synthetic-monitor:AppAvailabilityMonitor
    2023/02/09 16:57:13 INFO Validating config project:slo:slo
    2023/02/09 16:57:13 INFO Validating config project:auto-tag:application-tagging
    2023/02/09 16:57:13 WARN API for "auto-tag" is deprecated! Please consider migrating to "builtin:tags.auto-tagging"!
    2023/02/09 16:57:13 INFO Validation finished without errors
  4. Use monaco deploy to deploy your converted configuration.

    monaco deploy converted_config/manifest.yaml
  5. If the deployment is successful, the Dynatrace Monaco CLI returns a message similar to the following:

    2023/02/09 17:05:28 INFO Dynatrace Configuration as Code v2.0.0
    2023/02/09 17:05:28 INFO Projects to be deployed:
    2023/02/09 17:05:28 INFO - project
    2023/02/09 17:05:28 INFO Environments to deploy to:
    2023/02/09 17:05:28 INFO - environment1
    2023/02/09 17:05:28 INFO Deploying configurations to environment `environment1`...
    2023/02/09 17:05:28 INFO Deploying config project:application-web:myApp
    2023/02/09 17:05:29 INFO Deploying config project:synthetic-monitor:AppAvailabilityMonitor
    2023/02/09 17:05:30 INFO Deploying config project:slo:slo
    2023/02/09 17:05:30 INFO Deploying config project:auto-tag:application-tagging
    2023/02/09 17:05:30 WARN API for "auto-tag" is deprecated! Please consider migrating to "builtin:tags.auto-tagging"!
    2023/02/09 17:05:31 INFO Deployment finished without errors
  6. If you open your Dynatrace environment in your browser, you will find your configuration as before.

You are ready to extend your existing configurations using Dynatrace Configuration as Code via Monaco 2.x.