Migrate from manifests to Helm for Dynatrace Operator installation
This guide describes the steps required to migrate from using manifests to Helm. This approach simplifies the deployment process and configuration of Dynatrace Operator.
For the succesfull migration, you need to completely uninstall and reinstall Dynatrace Operator and its components. Proceed with caution as this will remove and redeploy all components managed by Dynatrace Operator.
To ensure a clean migration:
Remove all deployed Dynatrace custom resources such as EdgeConnect and DynaKube.
kubectl delete edgeconnect --allkubectl delete dynakube --all -
Install Dynatrace Operator via Helm. For more information about install instructions, see Get started with full observability
helm install dynatrace-operator oci://public.ecr.aws/dynatrace/dynatrace-operator \--version <desired-version> \--create-namespace \--namespace dynatrace \--atomic -
Redeploy Dynatrace custom resources.
kubectl apply -f edgeconnect.yamlkubectl apply -f dynakube.yaml