Configure minimum time between requests

Dynatrace Operator version 1.2.0+

In Dynatrace Operator version 0.11.0 until 1.2.0, this configuration was set using the annotation

Dynatrace Operator makes regular calls to Dynatrace to gather the information necessary to function properly.

The minimum time between requests from the Dynatrace Operator, which was previously hard coded to 15 minutes to reduce network load, can now be configured.

To set this time (in minutes), set the field dynatraceApiRequestThreshold.

kind: DynaKube
name: dynakube
namespace: dynatrace
apiUrl: https://<environment-id>
dynatraceApiRequestThreshold: 15

The Operator makes three different types of requests for:

  • ActiveGate connection details
  • OneAgent connection details
  • Token scope verification

The specified interval is counted independently for each of these request types.