Deploy OneAgent on Mesos/Marathon

Mesos is a generic cluster resource manager which can be used together with the Marathon framework to run containers in distributed environments.

To monitor applications running in Mesos clusters, we recommend that you deploy OneAgent on all Mesos agent nodes by means of a Marathon application deployment. Following this, install OneAgent on the Mesos master nodes, as explained on this page.

Locate your OneAgent installer URL

The first step is to obtain the location for ONEAGENT_INSTALLER_SCRIPT_URL. This information is presented to you during OneAgent installation.


  1. In Dynatrace Hub, select OneAgent.
  2. Select Set up > Linux.
  3. Determine the installer script URL and token from the UI-provided wget command:

Install OneAgent

  1. Deploy OneAgent on Mesos agent nodes.

  2. Deploy OneAgent on Mesos master nodes.

    Marathon doesn't allow you to deploy applications to master nodes (except for nodes that are tagged as both master and agent). This is why you must manually install OneAgent on all Mesos master nodes that aren't additionally configured as Mesos agents. For this, use the default Linux installer.