With remote configuration management, you can use a single action to carry out communication settings change on multiple OneAgents that meet the version requirements:
Required Dynatrace version
Required OneAgent version
Remote configuration management does NOT work with:
Communication settings assignment can be performed only via the web UI.
We recommend that you limit the number of users permitted to use remote configuration management. Multiple users performing configuration at the same time might not be aware of one another's actions. This applies to both the web UI and the API. The IAM permissions give you very granular control, so you can avoid having your users run into conflicts.
Users performing remote configuration management need to belong to a group bound to a policy with the following IAM permission:
With IAM permissions, you can limit a user's activities down to a single configuration action, such as changing only the OneAgent communication settings.
For more information on Dynatrace IAM permissions, see Working with policies.
To update the communication settings of multiple OneAgents
Go to Deployment Status > OneAgents.
Filter for and select the OneAgents you want to configure. You can use the select box in the table header to select all filtered OneAgents or you can select OneAgents individually.
After you select OneAgents, an edit pane appears at the bottom of the page.
Select modify communication settings.
Select Run action.
This starts the Remote configuration management wizard to carry out a configuration change on the selected OneAgents. It doesn't commit any changes until you select Apply changes and you confirm any required restarts. Before then, you'll be able to change or cancel the action.
Specify communication settings properties:
Communication address is created automatically based on the provided Environment ID.
Select Next.
Run Connection test. You can review selected OneAgents versions, network zones, and ActiveGates they are using. After a connection test is started, the status for each OneAgent is shown in the table. You can proceed to the next step after the connection test is finished.Only those OneAgents that successfully tested the new connection settings can be updated.
Select Next.
Select Apply changes.
While the bulk action is being run, the status bar at the top of the Deployment status page informs you about the bulk action's progress. You can't start another bulk action until the current one is finished.
Updated OneAgents will be available in the target environment in up to 10 minutes. They'll stop reporting to the origin environment right after reconfiguration, but it may take up to 10 minutes until they are considered disconnected.