AWS Lambda log collection

Dynatrace version 1.263

You can collect logs directly from your AWS Lambda functions and send them to Dynatrace for analysis. The solution is an alternative to the CloudWatch log forwarder with benefits in terms of cost and latency, and is also easier to set up, in particular if AWS Lambda tracing is already in place. As part of the OneAgent installation process, this feature provides a streamlined solution for collecting logs from your Lambda functions.



For Python, Node.js, and Java Lambda functions, Dynatrace provides a single Lambda layer that enables both trace and log collection. For .NET, Dynatrace provides a standalone layer that collects only logs.

To deploy the Dynatrace Lambda extension, follow the instructions from Trace Python, Node.js, and Java Lambda functions but with the following two differences:

  1. Under I want to enable, select Traces and Logs.
  2. Either select Create token to create a new access token or enter an existing access token with the logs.ingest permission into the Access Token input field.

If you previously used the Dynatrace Lambda extension without logging, you have to adapt the Lambda Layer Arn as well as the configuration provided in the wizard—by adding the necessary enhancements for the log collector.

For .NET Lambda functions, follow the steps described in Monitor AWS Lambda with OpenTelemetry but with the following two differences:

  1. Under I want to enable, select Logs.
  2. Either select Create token to create a new access token or enter an existing access token with the logs.ingest scope into the Access Token input field.

If you previously used tracing integration without logging, you have to adapt the configuration as provided in the wizard—by adding the necessary enhancements for the log collector.

Disable Firehose log streaming or CloudWatch log forwarding

If you are currently using it, you must disable Firehose log streaming or CloudWatch log forwarding for functions on which you wish to use this log collection feature in order to avoid duplicate log exports. See Log monitoring with AWS log forwarder or (lma-stream-logs-with-firehose#unsubscribe).


After deployment, collected logs for each future function invocation and initialization can be found in the Related logs card on the Lambda function's service page in Dynatrace, and in the Log viewer. You can inspect the log details to find the type of the log under the telemetryevent.type attribute, among other metadata. Note that the content of platform logs will be JSON data, while the content of function logs will be plain text.

Logs in context of traces

To correlate and see application logs with traces in Dynatrace, you need to enrich logs with the trace identifiers. For more details see Logs in context of traces.


Log event types

Dynatrace collects two log event types, platform events and function logs. To configure which log event types are collected, use the following syntax.

Configure with


Default value


JSON file

EventTypes (property in the LogCollection object)

["platform", "function"]

Array of strings, for example "function"1

Environment variables



Colon-separated list of log event types, for example function1


Set the value to ["function"] (or function) to collect only function logs.


OneAgent version 1.275+

The endpoint that is used for exporting logs to is derived from the base URL of your configuration deployment screen. You can override the default value by setting the override-value location to a specific full endpoint URL that contains also the path.

Configure with

Default-value location

Override-value location

JSON file


Add the Endpoint property to the LogCollection object.

Environment variables



Environment ActiveGate and default value

If you're using an Environment ActiveGate, make sure the environment ID is included in the default value location or set its value to the full URL of the log ingest endpoint (for example, https://{activegate-host}:9999/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/logs/ingest).

If you're using Environment ActiveGate (which is usually the case, if you deployed ActiveGate by yourself) and don't have /e/{your-environment-id} as part of your DT_CONNECTION_BASE_URL (Connection.BaseUrl), you need to set either the

  • DT_LOG_COLLECTION_ENDPOINT environment variable
  • or LogCollection.Endpoint JSON property

to the full URL of the log ingest endpoint (i.e. https://{activegate-host}:9999/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/logs/ingest). The environment ID is typically the tenant ID.

Fetch token from AWS Secrets Manager

OneAgent version 1.295+

Instead of specifying the authentication token explicitly in the configuration, you can configure OneAgent to fetch a token stored in AWS Secrets Manager.

  • Make sure you granted the secretsmanager:GetSecretValue permission for the authentication token secret ARN to the Lambda function monitored by OneAgent. For details, see Authentication and access control for AWS Secrets Manager in the AWS Secrets Manager documentation.
  • Make sure the secret value contains only the plaintext authentication token value (without quotes). Note that

To fetch the token for log collection, set the token secret ARN either to the environment variable DT_LOG_COLLECTION_AUTH_TOKEN_SECRETS_MANAGER_ARN or the JSON property LogCollection.AuthTokenSecretsManagerArn.

This option always overrides DT_LOG_COLLECTION_AUTH_TOKEN (LogCollection.AuthToken). If the fetch fails, the log collector won't be able to export log data.

A fetch accesses AWS Secrets Manager only once, during the Lambda function's initialization phase; this causes an increase of the Lambda function's cold start duration.

To fetch the token for trace connection, set another fetch.


OneAgent version 1.291+

By default, logs for the configured log event types are collected for all the following log levels, ordered from the lowest to the highest level:

  • INFO
  • WARN

For more information, see AWS log-level filtering.

To configure from which level to start log collection, for example, starting from WARN level, set a filter using the following syntax.

Configure with



JSON file

LogCollection.Filter.MinLevel (LogCollection object has property Filter which has property MinLevel)

<Log level>

Example: {"LogCollection": {"Filter": {"MinLevel": "WARN" }}}

Environment variables


<Log level>

Example: WARN

For example, if <Log level> is WARN

  • Logs for TRACE, DEBUG, and INFO levels are not collected.
  • Logs for WARN, ERROR, and FATAL levels are collected.

To configure log collection filters directly in AWS, see Using Amazon CloudWatch logs with AWS Lambda. Note that with this option

  • Logs are not shown on CloudWatch.
  • Dynatrace will not collect logs that are already filtered out in AWS.


  • The extension event type currently is not supported: if you try to configure the extension event type, an error is shown and log collection does not start.
  • By default, logs collected by the log collector are not associated with traces and are not shown in the trace view in the Logs tab, and will only be shown on the Related logs card or in the Log viewer. However, you may use manual log enrichment in order to connect your function logs to your traces. See AWS Lambda logs in context of traces for language-specific examples of manual log enrichment.
  • If an AWS log event doesn't have a log level and the log message contains the string [error] or [ERROR], the log level will be set to ERROR. Otherwise INFO level is used.
  • We do not recommend combining the standalone collector layer with a OneAgent layer. If you want tracing and log collection for your Lambda functions, use the combined Traces and Logs layer instead.
