Validate integration

To address the issues regarding Dynatrace AWS Lambda extension integration, start with the logs and error messages.


To get extensive log output on Lambda, add the variables below.

  • For Node.js

    DT_LOGGING_NODEJS_FLAGS: Exporter=true,LambdaSensor=true
  • For Python

    DT_LOGGING_PYTHON_FLAGS: dynatrace=True
  • For Java

    DT_LOGGING_JAVA_FLAGS: log-Transformer=true,log-OpenTelemetryUtils=true,log-AsyncClassRetransformer=true,log-ClassValue=true

    logOpenTelemetryUtils=true is required for use-inmemory-exporter (for debugging span-related problems).

Error messages

  • WARNING […] Unexpectedly got HTTP response with Content-Length (...)

    This error message is displayed if you don't have port 9999 enabled for your ActiveGate. Go to AWS PrivateLink and VPC endpoints and set up a VPC that allows outbound communication on port 9999 to the ActiveGate endpoint.

OpenTelemetry interoperability


OneAgent will not enable OpenTelemetry interoperability when it detects that the installed OpenTelemetry API version is incompatible. In this case, a line similar to the following is logged:

[Dynatrace] 2022-07-27 08:55:01.852 UTC [9-dfaf4836] INFO [dynatrace.inject.agent] opentelemetry-api version (1.10.0) is not compatible with Dynatrace SDK (1.9.1).

It is possible to override the compatibility check via configuration. For instance, when you configure OneAgent using the environment variables, add:


to allow OpenTelemetry APIs up to version 1.11.1.

Overriding the version compatibility check might result in runtime errors and should be used with caution. You should verify if these errors still occur if an officially supported version of the OpenTelemetry API is used or when temporarily disabling the OpenTelemetry interoperability. If this resolves the problem, please use the older OpenTelemetry API until the newer version is officially supported.