Categories of events

Dynatrace supports different categories of events, where each event comes with an event type and a severity (significance) level.

  • Resulting problems aggregate all included event severities and are evaluated with the highest severity level of the constituent events.
  • During its lifespan, a problem might raise its severity level. For example, a problem might begin in slowdown level and then be raised automatically to availability level when an outage is detected.

In order from most to least severe, the event categories supported in Dynatrace are as follows:

Monitoring unavailable

Monitoring unavailable events indicate a widespread monitoring interruption, where the majority of your installed OneAgents lose their connection with the Dynatrace server. This usually manifests itself as a lack of visibility in terms of both availability and performance monitoring.

Monitoring unavailable events


Availability events indicate high-severity incidents within your environment, such as a complete outage or unavailability of servers or processes.

Availability events


Error events inform you of increased error rates or other error-related incidents that interfere with the regular operation of your environment.

Error events


Slowdown events indicate a decrease of performance in one of your operational services or applications.

  • While slowdown events are less severe than error or availability events, they inform you of potential issues with the performance of your services.

Slowdown events


Resource events indicate resource contention. Typical examples:

  • CPU saturation
  • Memory saturation

Resource events


Custom alerts are used to enable alerting on any user-defined thresholds.

  • Custom alerts for user-defined thresholds can be set for any Dynatrace metric.
  • Like other events, custom alerts can be controlled by Davis and are automatically alerted on.

Custom alerts


Info events indicate manually triggered events that don't result in the creation of a new problem, such as:

  • Important deployments or configuration changes
  • Administrative events (for example, automatic migration of a virtual machine)

Informational events aren't sent out as alerts and no problems are opened, as this category of events doesn't indicate an abnormal situation.