Vulnerability source

The following explains the concepts specific to drilling down into the source of vulnerabilities:

Vulnerable component

Third-party vulnerabilities

A vulnerable component is a software component (library) or runtime component (for example, a Kubernetes package) that has a vulnerable function causing a vulnerability:

  • For Snyk-based vulnerabilities, the package name
    • Example: org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-coyote
  • For NVD-based vulnerabilities, the runtime technology
    • Examples: Java runtime, Node.js runtime

Use case

Drill down into the source of vulnerabilities: Explore vulnerable components.


Why is a fixed vulnerability still showing as open.

Entry point

Code-level vulnerabilities

An entry point is a point in the code where an attacker could enter the application, for example, by passing user input fields to the application (such as a login form or search bar).

Key concepts

URL path

The path used in the HTTP request to reach and potentially exploit the vulnerability.

  • Example: /user/1218/bio
Untrusted input

The input that is passed to the vulnerable function.

  • Example:

    untrusted input


The user-controlled inputs that could be used to exploit the vulnerability. If there's a key for the payload (for example, an HTTP parameter name or an HTTP header name), it's displayed after the colon.

  • Example: HTTP parameter value: bioText

Use case

Drill down into the source of vulnerabilities: Explore entry points.

Code location

Code-level vulnerabilities

A code location shows where the actual vulnerability is in the code (the location where the vulnerable function is called from).

  • Example: SQL injection at DatabaseManager.updateBio():82

Use case

Drill down into the source of vulnerabilities: Explore code location.