Collaborate with other apps

For additional insights, Dynatrace offers you the flexibility to interact with other apps. You can either navigate to other apps from Vulnerabilities or navigate to Vulnerabilities from other apps.

For example, from Vulnerabilities , you can

Open table data in another app

  1. On the Prioritization page, on the upper part of the vulnerabilities table, select Open with.
  2. Select one of the available apps.

open with function

Results are displayed based on your selected filters.

Exception: The Open with function isn't available if DSA filters are set. Remove your filters to perform these actions (select Davis Security Advisor, then select Clear all).

For information on Davis Security Score calculations on Grail-powered apps, see Calculation differences.

Open related entities in another app

  1. On the Prioritization page, select a vulnerability title.

  2. On the details page of the vulnerability, select an entity from any of the following sections:

    • Related entities

    • Process group overview

    • Kubernetes node overview

    • Reachable data assets

  3. Select one of the available apps.

For example, in the Kubernetes node overview section, select an affected node to open it in Kubernetes .

Example result in Kubernetes :

open affected node in kubernetes app

For example, from Kubernetes or Infrastructure & Operations select a vulnerability to open it in Vulnerabilities .

  • From Kubernetes :

    open vulnerability from kubernetes app in vulnerabilities app

  • From Infrastructure & Operations :

    open vulnerability from infrastructure and operations app with vulnerabilities app