Latest Dynatrace
Vulnerabilities provides a unified overview of third-party, code-level, and runtime vulnerabilities detected in your environments monitored by Dynatrace. It helps you prioritize based on valuable insights and context needed to analyze the impact and efficiently address remediation actions.
Davis Security Score
Calculates the severity of vulnerabilities.
Risk assessment
Public internet exposure, reachable data assets, vulnerable functions, public exploit, reduced accuracy.
Vulnerability status
Resolution and mute status of vulnerabilities and affected entities.
Davis Security Advisor
Recommends fixes for third-party vulnerabilities.
Affected and related entities
Entities directly and indirectly affected by vulnerabilities.
Vulnerability source
Vulnerable components, entry points, code location.
Get started
Basics to start using the app.
Prioritize vulnerabilities
Prioritize vulnerabilities based on Davis Security Score, risk assessment, affected and related entities, historical context.
Manage remediation
Apply fixes, track remediation, drill down to the source of vulnerabilities, change the mute status.
Share insights
Share results of your findings.
Collaborate with other apps
Interact with other apps for more insights.