Send Dynatrace notifications via webhooks

Dynatrace offers several out-of-the-box integrations that automatically push problem notifications to third-party incident-management and ChatOps systems. If however your third-party system isn't supported with an out-of-the-box integration, you can easily set up a customizable webhook integration. Using this approach, whenever Dynatrace detects a problem in your environment that affects real users, a webhook triggers an HTTP POST request to a target URL that you specify. The payload message of the HTTP POST request is completely customizable. By default, requests use valid JSON syntax except that you define a different HTTP content type header. In case you define a different HTTP content type header, Dynatrace will skip the JSON validation. In such cases, Dynatrace doesn't escape the payload based on JSON syntax. Information placeholders, such as {ProblemTitle} and {State}, are used to fill the custom JSON with the dynamic information of each detected problem.

To integrate problem-notifications using a custom webhook:

  1. Go to Settings > Integration > Problem notifications.
  2. Select Add notification.
  3. Select Custom integration from the available notification types.
  4. Configure the notification:
    • Display name
      This is the freeform name of this integration that will be displayed in Dynatrace on Settings > Integration > Problem notifications when you finish this configuration.
    • Webhook URL
      Target URL where the HTTP POST should push the payload. This URL can contain HTTP parameters such as an authentication token, in case the destination system works with authentication tokens instead of basic authentication.
    • optional Additional HTTP headers
      Specify additional HTTP header fields, such as 'Content-Type' or 'Authorization'. These custom HTTP header fields can be used if the target endpoint needs an authentication token within the HTTP header or if you would like to send different content type such as 'text/plain' or 'application/xml'.
    • Custom payload
      Once a problem is detected or resolved, this customizable payload is pushed through an HTTP POST to the target system.

      The Available placeholders section of the configuration page lists placeholders you can use for this integration. Placeholders are automatically replaced with problem-related information such as problem state or title.

    • optional Turn on Accept any SSL certificate.
    • optional Turn on Call webhook if new events merge into existing problems.
    • Assign an Alerting profile.
  5. Select Send test notification to make sure your webhook integration is working.
  6. Save changes.

Example JSON with placeholders

Here is a valid JSON web hook problem-notification definition example:

"ImpactedEntities": {ImpactedEntities},
"ImpactedEntity": "{ImpactedEntity}",
"PID": "{PID}",
"ProblemDetailsHTML": "{ProblemDetailsHTML}",
"ProblemDetailsJSON": {ProblemDetailsJSON},
"ProblemID": "{ProblemID}",
"ProblemImpact": "{ProblemImpact}",
"ProblemTitle": "{ProblemTitle}",
"Problem URL": "",
"State": "{State}",
"Tags": "{Tags}"

{ImpactedEntities} and {ProblemDetailsJSON} are JSON data types and must not have quotes around them.

After a problem has been detected, the placeholders are populated with the actual values and results, as shown in this example payload:

"ImpactedEntities": [
{"type": "HOST", "name": "MyHost1", "entity": "HOST-XXXXXXXXXXXXX" },
{"type": "SERVICE", "name": "MyService1", "entity": "SERVICE-XXXXXXXXXXXXX"}
"ImpactedEntity": "MyHost1, MyService1",
"PID": "99999",
"ProblemDetailsHTML": "<h1>Dynatrace problem notification test run details</h1>",
"ProblemDetailsJSON": {"ID" : "99999" },
"ProblemID": "999",
"ProblemImpact": "INFRASTRUCTURE",
"ProblemTitle": "Dynatrace problem notification test run",
"Problem URL": "",
"State": "OPEN",
"Tags": "testtag1, testtag2"