Log Monitoring Classic
This page provides instructions for deploying and configuring Fluent Bit in your Kubernetes environment for log collection.
), to Dynatrace.Follow the step-by-step guide to prepare the configuration for Fluent Bit.
Copy the sample values.yaml
file and open it with your preferred editor.
openShift:# set to true for OpenShiftenabled: falsesecurityContext:capabilities:drop:- ALLreadOnlyRootFilesystem: true# uncomment the line below for OpenShift#privileged: truerbac:nodeAccess: trueconfig:inputs: |[INPUT]Name tailTag kube.*Path /var/log/containers/*.logDB /fluent-bit/tail/kube.dbDB.Sync Normalmultiline.parser criMem_Buf_Limit 15MBSkip_Long_Lines Onfilters: |[FILTER]Name kubernetesMatch kube.*Merge_Log OnKeep_Log OffK8S-Logging.Parser OffK8S-Logging.Exclude OffLabels OffAnnotations OnUse_Kubelet OnKubelet_Host ${NODE_IP}tls.verify OffBuffer_Size 0# Only include logs from pods with the annotation#[FILTER]# Name grep# Match kube.*# Regex $kubernetes['annotations']['logs.dynatrace.com/ingest'] ^true$# Only include logs from specific namespaces, remove the whole filter section to get all logs#[FILTER]# Name grep# Match kube.*# Logical_Op or# Regex $kubernetes['namespace_name'] ^my-namespace-a$# Regex $kubernetes['namespace_name'] ^my-namespace-b$[FILTER]Name nestMatch kube.*Operation liftNested_under kubernetesAdd_prefix kubernetes.[FILTER]name nestmatch kube.*operation liftnested_under kubernetes.annotationsadd_prefix kubernetes.annotations.[FILTER]Name nestMatch kube.*Operation nestNest_under dt.metadataWildcard kubernetes.annotations.metadata.dynatrace.com/*[FILTER]Name nestMatch kube.*Operation liftNested_under dt.metadataRemove_prefix kubernetes.annotations.metadata.dynatrace.com/[FILTER]Name modifyMatch kube.*# Map data to Dynatrace log formatRename time timestampRename log contentRename kubernetes.host k8s.node.nameRename kubernetes.namespace_name k8s.namespace.nameRename kubernetes.pod_id k8s.pod.uidRename kubernetes.pod_name k8s.pod.nameRename kubernetes.container_name k8s.container.nameAdd k8s.cluster.name ${K8S_CLUSTER_NAME}Add k8s.cluster.uid ${K8S_CLUSTER_UID}# deprecated, but still in useAdd dt.kubernetes.cluster.name ${K8S_CLUSTER_NAME}Add dt.kubernetes.cluster.id ${K8S_CLUSTER_UID}Remove_wildcard kubernetes.outputs: |# Send data to Dynatrace log ingest API[OUTPUT]Name httpMatch kube.*host ${DT_INGEST_HOST}port 443tls Ontls.verify Onuri /api/v2/logs/ingestformat jsonallow_duplicated_headers falseheader Authorization Api-Token ${DT_INGEST_TOKEN}header Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8json_date_key timestampjson_date_format iso8601log_response_payload falsedaemonSetVolumes:- hostPath:path: /var/lib/fluent-bit/name: positions- hostPath:path: /var/log/containersname: containers- hostPath:path: /var/log/podsname: podsdaemonSetVolumeMounts:- mountPath: /fluent-bit/tailname: positions- mountPath: /var/log/containersname: containersreadOnly: true- mountPath: /var/log/podsname: podsreadOnly: truepodAnnotations:dynatrace.com/inject: "false"# Uncomment this to collect Fluent Bit Prometheus metrics# metrics.dynatrace.com/path: "/api/v1/metrics/prometheus"# metrics.dynatrace.com/port: "2020"# metrics.dynatrace.com/scrape: "true"envWithTpl:- name: K8S_CLUSTER_UIDvalue: '{{ (lookup "v1" "Namespace" "" "kube-system").metadata.uid }}'env:- name: K8S_CLUSTER_NAMEvalue: "{ENTER_YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME}"- name: DT_INGEST_HOSTvalue: "{your-environment-id}.live.dynatrace.com"- name: DT_INGEST_TOKENvalue: "{ENTER_YOUR_INGEST_TOKEN}"- name: NODE_IPvalueFrom:fieldRef:apiVersion: v1fieldPath: status.hostIP
Get a Dynatrace API token with the logs.ingest
(Ingest Logs) scope for the DT_INGEST_TOKEN
environment variable.
environment variables in the values.yaml
file. Use the same cluster name that you have configured in Dynatrace for K8S_CLUSTER_NAME
, and specify your SaaS or Managed endpoint as DT_INGEST_HOST
optional Adapt the filter section in the values.yaml
file to target specific namespaces or pods, as described in the Fluent Bit Filter section for details.
optional Ensure to remove or mask any sensitive information in the logs.
Save the file.
Add the fluent repository to your local Helm repositories
helm repo add fluent https://fluent.github.io/helm-charts
Update the Fluent Bit repository
helm repo update
Install Fluent Bit with the prepared configuration
helm install fluent-bit fluent/fluent-bit -f values.yaml --create-namespace --namespace dynatrace-fluent-bit
Uninstall Fluent Bit from your Kubernetes environment using the following command:
helm uninstall fluent-bit
Monitored logs are accessible at the cluster, namespace, workload, and pod levels and can be inspected on the details pages of each entity.
Alternatively, you can navigate to Logs or Logs & Events (latest Dynatrace), where filtering can be done in either simple or advanced mode.
GKE Autopilot
is not supported.fluentbit.io/parser
and fluentbit.io/exclude
annotations are disabled by default.kubectl get pods -n dynatrace-fluent-bit
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGEfluent-bit-5jzlr 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 1 (7s ago) 11sfluent-bit-8zfr4 1/1 Running 0 38sfluent-bit-qxjzh 1/1 Running 0 39s
If pods are in an error state, then the helm values file might contain errors. Check logs of the non-running pods for details.
kubectl logs fluent-bit-5jzlr -n dynatrace-fluent-bit
Fluent Bit metrics give you insights into how the logs are being collected (fluentbit_input_*
), filtered (fluentbit_filter_*
) and sent to Dynatrace (fluentbit_output_*
Find the node on which the pod you are troubleshooting is running.
kubectl get pod pod-with-logs -o wide -n dms
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATESpod-with-logs 1/1 Running 0 31m some-node-782e86b8-mnoz <none> <none>
Find the Fluent Bit pod that runs on the same node.
kubectl get pods -o wide -n dynatrace-fluent-bit
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATESfluent-bit-5jzlr 1/1 Running 0 30m some-node-782e86b8-zdb1 <none> <none>fluent-bit-8zfr4 1/1 Running 0 30m some-node-782e86b8-mkjw <none> <none>fluent-bit-qxjzh 1/1 Running 0 30m some-node-782e86b8-mnoz <none> <none>
Set up Fluent Bit pod metrics port forwarding to your localhost.
kubectl port-forward fluent-bit-qxjzh 2020:2020 -n dynatrace-fluent-bit
Check the health endpoint.
Examine the metrics.
metrics indicate how many logs are being ingestedfluentbit_*
metrics give you more insights into what happens before thatcurl | grep fluentbit_output_proc
2024-06-11T07:05:37.257418778Z fluentbit_output_proc_records_total{name="http.0"} = 7672024-06-11T07:05:37.257418778Z fluentbit_output_proc_bytes_total{name="http.0"} = 359630
When fluentbit_output_errors_total
or fluentbit_output_retries_failed_total
metrics indicate problems, a potential reason is that you have reached log monitoring limits.