Manage document versions

Latest Dynatrace Platform | Notebooks Platform | Dashboards

Document (notebook or dashboard) versions are saved automatically.

  • You can access the 50 most recent versions of your document.
  • Each version is available for up to 30 days.

Versions menu

To view and manage document versions

  1. Display your document (notebook or dashboard).

  2. In the upper-right corner of your document, select .

    This displays a menu of the most recent versions of the current document.

    • Date
    • Time
    • Name of the person who created that version
  3. From any version entry in the Versions menu, you can select version-specific actions.

    • Preview displays a preview of the selected version.
    • Restore switches your document to the selected version.
    • Make a copy creates a new document from the selected version and displays the new document. The original document remains unchanged.
    • Download saves a JSON file of the selected version of the document to your local machine.
    • Preview in new tab displays a preview of the selected version on a new browser tab.
    • Delete this version deletes the selected version.
  4. To list and manage all versions of the document in a separate window, go to the bottom of the Versions menu and select Show all.

For details, see below.


Versions > [version] > Preview displays a preview of the selected version.

A toolbar at the top of the preview offers the following options:

  • Restore switches your document to the selected version.
  • Make a copy creates a new document from the selected version and displays the new document. The original document remains unchanged.
  • Download downloads a JSON file of the selected version of the document to your local machine.
  • Delete this version removes the selected version from the document history.

Close the toolbar to close the preview and return to where you started.


Versions > [version] > Restore switches your document to the selected version.

Make a copy

Versions > [version] > Make a copy creates a new document from the selected version and displays the new document. The original document remains unchanged.


Versions > [version] > Download downloads a JSON file of the selected version of the document to your local machine.

Preview in new tab

Versions > [version] > Preview in new tab is like Versions > [version] > Preview, but it displays the preview on a new tab.

A toolbar at the top of the preview offers the following options:

  • Restore switches your document to the selected version.
  • Make a copy creates a new document from the selected version and displays the new document. The original document remains unchanged.
  • Download downloads a JSON file of the selected version of the document to your local machine.
  • Delete this version removes the selected version from the document history.

Delete this version

Versions > [version] > Delete this version removes the selected version from the document history.

Show all

Versions > Show all opens the Version history table, which displays all versions of the selected document. Use this table when you need to access versions that don't fit on the Versions menu. The Version history table goes back as far as 50 versions.


The Version column displays the version ID.

Updated on

The Updated on column displays when the version was created.

Updated by

The Updated by column displays the name of the person who created the version.


The Actions column displays all of the actions available from the Versions > [version] menu.

  • Preview displays a preview of the selected version.
  • Restore switches your document to the selected version.
  • Make a copy creates a new document from the selected version and displays the new document. The original document remains unchanged.
  • Download saves a JSON file of the selected version of the document to your local machine.
  • Preview in new tab displays a preview of the selected version on a new browser tab.
  • Delete this version deletes the selected version.