The Dynatrace software intelligence platform provides an on-premises deployment option called Dynatrace Managed. With Dynatrace Managed, you get automated support from our Mission Control team. For full details, see Dynatrace Managed Mission Control and Service Level Agreement (SLA).
Obtain a Dynatrace Managed license
Set up your Dynatrace Managed cluster
Install OneAgent and ActiveGate
Fine tune your environment
To obtain a license for Dynatrace Managed, contact Dynatrace Sales. Your Sales rep will provide you with further details. Dynatrace monitoring is licensed based on consumption of various types of monitoring units, which you purchase and consume based on your monitoring needs. For details, see How to calculate monitoring consumption.
Once an agreement is reached, you'll receive an email that includes your license details as well as instructions on how to set up your Dynatrace Managed Cluster.
To properly set up your Dynatrace Managed cluster, you should first identify the deployment model that best suits your needs. Subsequently, you can install Dynatrace Managed to create your first cluster node. You can add more nodes at any time.
To monitor your environments, install OneAgent on each environment. You can also install Environment ActiveGates and Cluster ActiveGates as required, based on the deployment model you've selected.
You can now access your home dashboard, by logging in to your Dynatrace monitoring environment. All monitoring data should be there already. However, some additional post-deployment steps are required.