Segment limits


  • 20 includes per segment
  • 1 include block per type
  • 1 additional include per entity type + relationship (entity includes only)
  • 1 expression per filter condition minimum (conditions for related entities can be empty)
  • 10 expressions per filter condition maximum
  • 2,000 values per variable maximum
  • 1,000 entities for entity lookups maximum ("entity-to-entity" and "signal-to-entity" lookups)



  • Any field names are allowed (for example, foo = bar)
  • Nested conditions are allowed (for example, foo = bar AND (foo1 = bar1 OR foo2 = bar2)
  • starts-with and equals allowed on any field
  • Properties of type STRING, and ARRAY_OR_STRINGS are supported


  • Only selected properties are allowed
  • starts-with for only
  • Other properties only equals
  • Nested conditions are allowed (for example, = bar AND (tags = bar1 OR tags = bar2)


  • Asterisks only allowed for starts-with (no contains or ends-with)
  • At least 1 preceding character for starts-with (for example, foo = b*)
  • Asterisks may follow unquoted or quoted values (foo = b* or foo = "bar bar"*)
  • Asterisks in quoted values are prohibited (no foo = "b*")
  • Asterisks in variable values are prohibited
  • Asterisks in variable names are prohibited (no variable $*bar, $b*ar, $bar*, or $*bar*)
  • Asterisks are allowed to follow variable names in conditions for starts-with (for example, foo = $bar*)