Ingest SDLC events

Latest Dynatrace

You can configure external tools to send software development lifecycle (SDLC) events to Dynatrace via API.

This guide shows you how to ingest JSON data into Dynatrace using either the built-in or a custom API endpoint.



You can use and extend our built-in SDLC events endpoint to ingest custom events via API.

You can create and configure an endpoint to ingest SDLC events via API.


  • Fixed endpoint URL: One URL for all use cases and products.

  • Data enrichment: A static event.kind == "SDLC_EVENT" field is added to the event to mark it as an SDLC event. If no start_time and end_time are set, start_time and end_time are set to now. If pipeline.* properties are part of the event, the event.category is set to pipeline. If task.* properties are part of the event, the event.category is set to task.

  • Mapping: No mapping is applied; data stays in the original format. This means you can analyze data based on your format and create custom dashboards and workflows.

    • Alternatively, you can parse to map data manually to the Semantic Dictionary conventions.
  • Custom bucket: You can select or create a bucket where the SDLC events will be stored.

  • Custom endpoint URL: You can configure dedicated URLs for specific use cases or products.

  • Data enrichment: You can define custom data enrichments.

  • Mapping: You can configure a processing pipeline to map data manually to the Semantic Dictionary conventions.


Step 1 Authenticate

To start ingesting data, select an ingest option and create an access token.

Endpoint URL





Create access token





Step 2 Copy the endpoint URL and send an event

  1. Copy the endpoint path of the chosen ingest option.

  2. Run the following sample command to send an event to your endpoint via POST request.

    The sample command indicates a JSON content type and provides the JSON event data using the -d parameter. Make sure to substitute

    • <your-endpoint-URL> with the URL of the endpoint you copied.
    • <your-API-token> with the token you generated.
    curl -i -X POST "<your-endpoint-URL>" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Api-Token <your-API-token>" \
    -d "{\"event.type\":\"test\", \"event.status\":\"finished\"}"

    Your request is successful if the output contains the 202 response code, for example

    HTTP/2 202

Step 3 Verify ingestion

To verify that your SDLC event has been ingested successfully, query it via DQL, for example, in Notebooks.

  1. Go to Notebooks.

  2. Choose or create a notebook.

  3. Select Add > DQL to add a new section with a DQL query input field.

  4. Enter the following DQL query:

    fetch events
    | filter event.kind == "SDLC_EVENT"
    | filter event.type == "test"
    | filter event.status == "finished"