WMI data source

Dynatrace provides you with a framework that you can use to extend your observability into data acquired directly from your Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) monitored devices.

We assume the following:

Prerequisites and support

Learn the prerequisites and scope of the supported technologies. For limits applying to your extension, see Extensions 2.0 limits.

Supported Dynatrace versions

  • Dynatrace version 1.215+
  • Windows-based Environment ActiveGate version 1.215+
  • OneAgent version 1.221+ (local extensions)

Monitored host

Local WMI extensions can be run on any OneAgent-supported Windows host without any special requirements. Make sure Extension Execution Controller (EEC) is enabled at the environment or selected host level. For more information, see Extension Execution Controller.

A host you want to monitor using a remote WMI extension must meet the requirements described below, including remote permissions enabled and connectivity details configured to allow your ActiveGate to access the WMI monitoring data.

Remote enable permission on the host

A monitored host must have the Remote enable permission set.

  1. In the Microsoft Server Manager console, go to Administrative Tools > Computer Management.
  2. Expand Services and Applications, right-click WMI Control, and select Properties.
  3. Select the Security tab and then select the Security button.
  4. Add the user you'll use to call WMI and then select Remote Enable in the Allow column.

For more information, see Allowing Users Access to a Specific WMI Namespace in the Microsoft documentation.

Configure firewall to access remote WMI

To configure the firewall to access remote WMI, issue the following commands:

netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="windows management instrumentation (wmi)" new enable=yes


netsh firewall set service RemoteAdmin enable

For more information, see Setting up a Remote WMI Connection in the Microsoft documentation.

Disable Remote UAC

Disable Remote UAC when using a local administrator account (without Active Directory).

New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System -Name LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy -PropertyType DWord -Value 1 -Force

For more information, see Handling Remote Connections Under UAC in the Microsoft documentation.

Set up local user

To establish a connection to a WMI remote host, you need to use either a standard user or a user with administrator privileges, depending on the kind of data you want. You will add this user in monitoring configuration. We recommend that you create a dedicated local user group or user account on the target computer specifically for remote connections.

To limit user privileges to access only a remote connection to WMI

  1. In Windows, run the DCOMCNFG command.
  2. Go to Component Services > Computers, right-click My Computer, and select Properties.
  3. Select the COM Security tab.
  4. Under Launch and Activation Permissions, select Edit Limits.
  5. Select the ANONYMOUS LOGON name in the Group or user names box. Under Permissions for ANONYMOUS LOGON, select Remote Launch and Remote Activation in the Allow column.
  6. Select OK to save.

For more information, see the Microsoft documentation:

Set up a fixed port for WMI

  1. At the command prompt, enter: winmgmt -standalonehost
  2. Stop the WMI service:
    net stop winmgmt
  3. Restart the WMI service in a new service host:
    net start winmgmt
  4. Establish a new port number for the WMI service:
    netsh firewall add portopening TCP 24158 WMIFixedPort

For more information, see Setting Up a Fixed Port for WMI in the Microsoft documentation.