JMX data source reference

This is a general description of JMX data source-based extension YAML file and ways to declare metrics and dimensions you would like to collect using your extension.

Metric values

The metric value can come from different sources.

The most common source is a numeric JMX MBean attribute:

- key: com.example.somekey
value: attribute:ThreadCount

This will look for an attribute named ThreadCount. The returned value must be either numeric (any subclass of java.lang.Number, such as Integer, Long, Double) or a boolean (converted to 0 for false and 1 for true).

JMX allows defining attributes with complex-non numeric types. It is possible to extract a numeric value from such a non-numeric attribute value. This requires specifying which methods or fields should be accessed.

For example:

- key: com.example.somekey
attribute: SomeNonNumericAttribute
accessor: getSomeNumericValue()

See accessor syntax below for a detailed syntax description.

A special case is to always use the same constant value instead of querying an attribute:

- key: com.example.somekey
value: const:1

If the query matches a single MBean, this metric will always produce the value 1. This can be used to report just the presence of a specific MBean. If the query matches multiple MBeans, this metric will produce a value corresponding to the number of matches MBeans.

Custom dimensions

Every custom dimension consists of a constant key and a value. The value can come from different sources.

The simplest case is to set the dimension value to a constant string:

- key: k1
value: const:constant_value

This will produce a metric where dimension k1 always has value constant_value.

MBean object name key property value can be used as a dimension value:

query: java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=*
- key: k1
value: property:name

This will produce a metric where dimension k1 corresponds to the value of the key property name. For example, the MBean java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=YoungGen, will produce a metric where dimension k1 has the value YoungGen.

If a process has 3 different garbage collectors, metrics with 3 different dimension values are produced and can be charted independently.

An MBean attribute can also be used as a dimension value.

query: java.lang:type=Compilation
- key: k1
value: attribute:Name

This will produce a metric where dimension k1 corresponds to the value of attribute Name. Currently, only immutable attributes are supported. The attribute for a specific MBean is only queried once when an MBean is first discovered by OneAgent.

Similar to metric values, it is possible to extract the dimension value from a complex attribute using an accessor expression:

query: java.lang:type=Compilation
- key: k1
attribute: SomeAttribute
accessor: getName()

This will look for an attribute called SomeAttribute, call getName on it and use the returned value as the value for dimension k1.

Accessor syntax

Call a method called getSomeNumericValue with no parameters.
Parenthesis are optional methods without parameters.
Call a method called getA, then on the return value of this call a method called getB.
Call a method called getA with integer argument 1.
Call a method called getA with string argument x.
getA(1, "x")
Call a method called getA with two arguments.
Call a method called getA, then from the return value extract value at index 1.

Extension variables

Extension variables can be used to allow users of an extension to monitor only specific MBeans:

- id: gc_name_filter
displayName: Garbage Collector Name
type: text
- group: jvm
- subgroup: basic
query: java.lang:type=GarbageCollector
- field: name
filter: var:gc_name_filter
- key: k1
value: property:name
- key: com.example.jmx.var
type: count
value: attribute:CollectionTime

This creates a variable called gc_name_filter internally and Garbage Collector Name in the UI. The variable value will be used to pick a specific MBean. E.g. if the variable value is YoungGen then the complete object name query will be java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=YoungGen

Every monitoring configuration can pick a specific value for this variable. To ensure that multiple monitoring configurations with different variable values are not mixed up in the UI, it is recommended to also add a dimension for the name property as demonstrated above.