Synthetic monitor executions API v2 - GET full info on an execution
Gets full results of an on-demand execution of a synthetic monitor.
The request produces an application/json
GET | SaaS | https://{your-environment-id}{executionId}/fullReport |
Environment ActiveGateCluster ActiveGate | https://{your-activegate-domain}:9999/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/synthetic/executions/{executionId}/fullReport |
To execute this request, you need an access token with one of the following scopes:
To learn how to obtain and use it, see Tokens and authentication.
Parameter | Type | Description | In | Required |
executionId | integer | The identifier of the on-demand execution. | path | required |
Response codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | Synthetic | Success. The response contains detailed information about the on-demand execution. |
400 | Error | Failed. The input is invalid. |
404 | Error | Execution with the given ID doesn't exist. |
4XX | Error | Client side error. |
5XX | Error | Server side error. |
Response body objects
The SyntheticOnDemandExecution
Describes the status of an on-demand execution.
Element | Type | Description |
batchId | string | The identifier of the batch. |
customizedScript | Object | Customized script properties for this on-demand batch execution. |
dataDeliveryTimestamp | integer | The timestamp when whole data set has been collected on server, in UTC milliseconds. |
executionId | string | The identifier of the execution. |
executionStage | string | Execution stage.
executionTimestamp | integer | The timestamp when execution was finished, in UTC milliseconds. |
fullResults | Execution | Contains extended monitor's execution details. |
locationId | string | The identifier of the location from where the monitor is to be executed. |
metadata | object | Metadata map for the execution batch. |
monitorId | string | The identifier of the monitor. |
nextExecutionId | integer | Next execution id for sequential mode. |
processingMode | string | The processing mode of the execution.
schedulingTimestamp | integer | The scheduling timestamp, in UTC milliseconds. |
simpleResults | Execution | Contains basic results of the monitor's on-demand execution. |
source | string | The source of the triggering request.
userId | string | The name of the user who triggered the on-demand execution. |
The ObjectNode
Customized script properties for this on-demand batch execution.
The ExecutionFullResults
Contains extended monitor's execution details.
Element | Type | Description |
errorCode | string | Error code. |
executionStepCount | integer | Number executed steps. |
executionSteps | Execution | Details about the monitor's step execution. |
failedStepName | string | Failed step name. |
failedStepSequenceId | integer | Failed step sequence id. |
failureMessage | string | Failure message. |
status | string | Execution status. |
The ExecutionStep
Contains detailed information about the monitor's step execution.
Element | Type | Description |
monitorType | string | Defines the actual set of fields depending on the value. See one of the following objects:
The ExecutionSimpleResults
Contains basic results of the monitor's on-demand execution.
Element | Type | Description |
chromeError | boolean | Informs whether is Chrome error. |
engineId | integer | Synthetic engine id on which monitor was executed. |
errorCode | string | Error code. |
executedSteps | integer | Number of the executed steps by Synthetic engine |
failureMessage | string | Failure message. |
hostNameResolutionTime | integer | A hostname resolution time measured in milliseconds. |
httperror | boolean | Informs whether is HTTP error. |
integer | DEPRECATED An expiry date of the first SSL certificate from the certificate chain. | |
publicLocation | boolean | Flag informs whether request was executed on public location. |
redirectionTime | integer | Total number of milliseconds spent on handling all redirect requests, measured in milliseconds. |
redirectsCount | integer | Number of redirects. |
responseBodySizeLimitExceeded | boolean | A flag indicating that the response payload size limit of 10MB has been exceeded. |
responseSize | integer | Request's response size in bytes. |
responseStatusCode | integer | Response status code. |
startTimestamp | integer | Start timestamp. |
status | string | Execution status. |
tcpConnectTime | integer | A TCP connect time measured in milliseconds. |
timeToFirstByte | integer | A time to first byte measured in milliseconds. |
tlsHandshakeTime | integer | A TLS handshake time measured in milliseconds. |
totalTime | integer | A total time measured in milliseconds. |
Response body JSON model
{"batchId": "22396514015719218","customizedScript": {"requests": [{"sequenceId": "1","url": "","validation": {"rules": [{"passIfFound": "true","type": "httpStatusesList","value": "=201"}]}}]},"dataDeliveryTimestamp": "1629891701171","executionId": "7002396514015719218","executionStage": "DATA_RETRIEVED","executionTimestamp": "1629891695487","locationId": "SYNTHETIC_LOCATION-9BB04DAEBA71B8CA","metadata": {"key": "value","version": "1.255.20221022"},"monitorId": "HTTP_CHECK-6349B98E1CD87352","processingMode": "STANDARD","schedulingTime": "1629891686877","simpleResults": [{"engineId": "1993198092","executedSteps": "1","healthStatus": "HEALTHY","hostNameResolutionTime": "50","publicLocation": "false","redirectionTime": "576","responseBodySizeLimitExceeded": "false","responseSize": "1530652","responseStatusCode": "200","startTimestamp": "1629891693487","tcpConnectTime": "127","tlsHandshakeTime": "167","totalTime": "955"}],"source": "API","userId": "someUserIdentifier"}