Settings API - GET a schema
Gets parameters of the specified settings schema.
The request produces an application/json
GET | SaaS | https://{your-environment-id}{schemaId} |
Environment ActiveGateCluster ActiveGate | https://{your-activegate-domain}:9999/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/settings/schemas/{schemaId} |
To execute this request, you need an access token with
To learn how to obtain and use it, see Tokens and authentication.
Parameter | Type | Description | In | Required |
schemaId | string | The ID of the required schema. | path | required |
schemaVersion | string | The version of the required schema. If not set, the most recent version is returned. | query | optional |
Response codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | Schema | Success |
403 | Error | Failed. Forbidden. |
404 | Error | Failed. The specified schema doesn't exist. |
4XX | Error | Client side error. |
5XX | Error | Server side error. |
Response body objects
The SchemaDefinitionRestDto
Element | Type | Description |
allowedScopes | string[] | A list of scopes where the schema can be used. |
constraints | Complex | A list of constrains limiting the values to be accepted by the schema. |
deletionConstraints | Deletion | Constraints limiting the values to be deleted. |
description | string | A short description of the schema. |
displayName | string | The display name of the schema. |
documentation | string | An extended description of the schema and/or links to documentation. |
dynatrace | string | The version of the data format. |
enums | object | A list of definitions of enum properties. |
keyProperty | string | Name of the key property in this schema. |
maxObjects | integer | The maximum amount of objects per scope. Only applicable when multiObject is set to |
metadata | object | Metadata of the setting. |
multiObject | boolean | Multiple ( |
ordered | boolean | If Only applicable when multiObject is set to |
properties | object | A list of schema's properties. |
schemaConstraints | Schema | Constraints limiting the values as a whole to be accepted in this configuration element. |
schemaGroups | string[] | Names of the groups, which the schema belongs to. |
schemaId | string | The ID of the schema. |
tableColumns | object | Table column definitions for use in the ui. |
types | object | A list of definitions of types. A type is a complex property that contains its own set of subproperties. |
uiCustomization | Ui | Customization for UI elements |
version | string | The version of the schema. |
The ComplexConstraint
A constraint on the values accepted for a complex settings property.
Element | Type | Description |
checkAllProperties | boolean | Defines if modification of any property triggers secret resubmission check. |
customMessage | string | A custom message for invalid values. |
customValidatorId | string | The ID of a custom validator. |
maximumPropertyCount | integer | The maximum number of properties that can be set. |
minimumPropertyCount | integer | The minimum number of properties that must be set. |
properties | string[] | A list of properties (defined by IDs) that are used to check the constraint. |
skipAsyncValidation | boolean | Whether to skip validation on a change made from the UI. |
type | string | The type of the constraint.
The DeletionConstraint
A constraint on the values that are going to be deleted.
Element | Type | Description |
customMessage | string | A custom message for invalid values. |
customValidatorId | string | The ID of a custom validator. |
The EnumType
Definition of an enum property.
Element | Type | Description |
description | string | A short description of the property. |
displayName | string | The display name of the property. |
documentation | string | An extended description and/or links to documentation. |
enumClass | string | An existing Java enum class that holds the allowed values of the enum. |
items | Enum | A list of allowed values of the enum. |
type | string | The type of the property.
The EnumValue
An allowed value for an enum property.
Element | Type | Description |
description | string | A short description of the value. |
displayName | string | The display name of the value. |
enumInstance | string | The name of the value in an existing Java enum class. |
icon | string | The icon of the value. |
value | string | The allowed value of the enum. |
The AnyValue
A schema representing an arbitrary value type.
The PropertyDefinition
Configuration of a property in a settings schema.
Element | Type | Description |
constraints | Constraint[] | A list of constraints limiting the values to be accepted. |
datasource | Datasource | Configuration of a datasource for a property. |
default | string | The default value to be used when no value is provided. If a non-singleton has the value of |
description | string | A short description of the property. |
displayName | string | The display name of the property. |
documentation | string | An extended description and/or links to documentation. |
forceSecretResubmission | boolean | Defines if value is allowed to be modified when secret properties are not |
items | Item | An item of a collection property. |
maxObjects | integer | The maximum number of objects in a collection property. Has the value of |
metadata | object | Metadata of the property. |
migrationPattern | string | Pattern with references to properties to create a new value. |
minObjects | integer | The minimum number of objects in a collection property. |
modificationPolicy | string | Modification policy of the property.
nullable | boolean | The value can ( |
precondition | Precondition | A precondition for visibility of a property. |
referencedType | string | The type referenced by the property value |
subType | string | The subtype of the property's value. |
type | string | The type of the property's value. |
uiCustomization | Ui | Customization for UI elements |
The Constraint
A constraint on the values accepted for a settings property.
Element | Type | Description |
customMessage | string | A custom message for invalid values. |
customValidatorId | string | The ID of a custom validator. |
maxLength | integer | The maximum allowed length of string values. |
maximum | number | The maximum allowed value. |
minLength | integer | The minimum required length of string values. |
minimum | number | The minimum allowed value. |
pattern | string | The regular expression pattern for valid string values. |
skipAsyncValidation | boolean | Whether to skip validation on a change made from the UI. |
type | string | The type of the constraint.
uniqueProperties | string[] | A list of properties for which the combination of values must be unique. |
The DatasourceDefinition
Configuration of a datasource for a property.
Element | Type | Description |
filterProperties | string[] | The properties to filter the datasource options on. |
fullContext | boolean | Whether this datasource expects full setting payload as the context. |
identifier | string | The identifier of a custom data source of the property's value. |
resetValue | string | When to reset datasource value in the UI on filter change.
useApiSearch | boolean | If true, the datasource should use the api to filter the results instead of client-side filtering. |
validate | boolean | Whether to validate input to only allow values returned by the datasource. |
The Item
An item of a collection property.
Element | Type | Description |
constraints | Constraint[] | A list of constraints limiting the values to be accepted. |
datasource | Datasource | Configuration of a datasource for a property. |
description | string | A short description of the item. |
displayName | string | The display name of the item. |
documentation | string | An extended description and/or links to documentation. |
metadata | object | Metadata of the items. |
referencedType | string | The type referenced by the item's value. |
subType | string | The subtype of the item's value. |
type | string | The type of the item's value. |
uiCustomization | Ui | Customization for UI elements |
The UiCustomization
Customization for UI elements
Element | Type | Description |
callback | Ui | UI customization options for defining custom callbacks |
expandable | Ui | UI customization for expandable section |
table | Ui | Customization for UI tables |
tabs | Ui | UI customization for tabs |
The UiCallbackCustomization
UI customization options for defining custom callbacks
Element | Type | Description |
buttons | Ui | UI customization for defining buttons that call functions when pressed |
The UiButtonCustomization
UI customization for defining a button that calls a function when pressed
Element | Type | Description |
description | string | The description to be shown in a tooltip when hovering over the button |
displayName | string | The label of the button |
identifier | string | The identifier of the function to be called when the button is pressed |
insert | string | The position where the button should be shown in the UI
The UiExpandableCustomization
UI customization for expandable section
Element | Type | Description |
displayName | string | The display name |
expanded | boolean | Defines if the item should be expanded by default |
sections | Ui | A list of sections |
The UiExpandableSectionCustomization
Expandable section customization for UI
Element | Type | Description |
description | string | The description |
displayName | string | The display name |
expanded | boolean | Defines if the section should be expanded by default |
properties | string[] | A list of properties |
The UiTableCustomization
Customization for UI tables
Element | Type | Description |
columns | Ui | A list of columns for the UI table |
emptyState | Ui | UI customization for empty state in a table |
The UiTableColumnCustomization
Customization for UI table columns
Element | Type | Description |
builtinColumnRef | string | The ui specific builtin column-implementation for this column. |
columnRef | string | The referenced column from the 'tableColumns' property of the schema for this column. |
displayName | string | The display name for this column. |
id | string | The id for this column used for filtering. Required for conflicting or pathed columns - otherwise the ref is used. |
items | Ui | The possible items of this column. |
propertyRef | string | The referenced property for this column. |
type | string | The ui specific type for this column. |
width | string | The width this column should take up on the table. |
The UiTableColumnItemCustomization
Customization for UI table column items
Element | Type | Description |
displayName | string | The display name of this item. |
icon | string | The icon of this item. |
value | string | The value of this item. |
The UiEmptyStateCustomization
UI customization for empty state in a table
Element | Type | Description |
text | string | The text to be shown in the empty state |
The UiTabsCustomization
UI customization for tabs
Element | Type | Description |
groups | Ui | A list of groups |
The UiTabGroupCustomization
Tab group customization for UI
Element | Type | Description |
description | string | The description |
displayName | string | The display name |
properties | string[] | A list of properties |
The Precondition
A precondition for visibility of a property.
Element | Type | Description |
expectedValue | string | The expected value of the property. Only applicable to properties of the |
expectedValues | - | A list of valid values of the property. Only applicable to properties of the |
pattern | string | The Regular expression which is matched against the property. Only applicable to properties of the |
precondition | Precondition | A precondition for visibility of a property. |
preconditions | Precondition[] | A list of child preconditions to be evaluated. Only applicable to properties of the |
property | string | The property to be evaluated. |
type | string | The type of the precondition.
The SchemaConstraintRestDto
Element | Type | Description |
customMessage | string | A custom message for invalid values. |
customValidatorId | string | The ID of a custom validator. |
skipAsyncValidation | boolean | Whether to skip validation on a change made from the UI. |
type | string | The type of the schema constraint.
uniqueProperties | string[] | The list of properties for which the combination of values needs to be unique |
The TableColumn
The definition of a table column to be used in the ui.
Element | Type | Description |
pattern | string | Pattern with references to properties to create a single value for the column. |
The SchemaType
A list of definitions of types.
A type is a complex property that contains its own set of subproperties.
Element | Type | Description |
constraints | Complex | A list of constraints limiting the values to be accepted. |
description | string | A short description of the property. |
displayName | string | The display name of the property. |
documentation | string | An extended description and/or links to documentation. |
properties | object | Definition of properties that can be persisted. |
searchPattern | string | The pattern for the summary search(for example, "Alert after X minutes.") of the configuration in the UI. |
summaryPattern | string | The pattern for the summary (for example, "Alert after X minutes.") of the configuration in the UI. |
type | string | Type of the reference type.
version | string | The version of the type. |
versionInfo | string | A short description of the version. |
Response body JSON model
{"allowedScopes": ["host","application"],"constraints": [{"checkAllProperties": false,"customMessage": "string","customValidatorId": "my-min-max","maximumPropertyCount": 2,"minimumPropertyCount": 1,"properties": ["string"],"skipAsyncValidation": false,"type": "CUSTOM_VALIDATOR_REF"}],"deletionConstraints": [{"customMessage": "string","customValidatorId": "my-min-max"}],"description": "Dynatrace disables monitoring of containers that do not run any applications","displayName": "Built-in container monitoring rules","documentation": "string","dynatrace": "1","enums": {},"keyProperty": "keyProperty","maxObjects": 10,"metadata": {},"multiObject": true,"ordered": true,"properties": {},"schemaConstraints": [{"customMessage": "string","customValidatorId": "my-min-max","skipAsyncValidation": false,"type": "CUSTOM_VALIDATOR_REF","uniqueProperties": ["my-prop-1","my-prop-2"]}],"schemaGroups": ["group:some.1","group:some.2"],"schemaId": "builtin:container.built-in-monitoring-rule","tableColumns": {},"types": {},"uiCustomization": {"callback": {"buttons": [{"description": "string","displayName": "string","identifier": "string","insert": "FIRST"}]},"expandable": {"displayName": "string","expanded": true,"sections": [{"description": "string","displayName": "string","expanded": true,"properties": ["string"]}]},"table": {"columns": [{"builtinColumnRef": "summary","columnRef": "myCustomColumn","displayName": "Color","id": "color","items": [{"displayName": "Active","icon": "CRITICAL","value": "ACTIVE"}],"propertyRef": "apiColor","type": "cell-color-picker","width": "10%"}],"emptyState": {"text": "string"}},"tabs": {"groups": [{"description": "string","displayName": "string","properties": ["string"]}]}},"version": "1.4.2"}