Settings API - Service detection rules for Full Web Services schema table
Service detection rules for Full Web Services (builtin:service-detection.full-web-service)
Rules are evaluated from top to bottom, and the first matching rule applies. Rule conditions are evaluated before Service Id Contributors are applied. Note that conditions do not modify attributes of requests. If conditions match, then Service Id Contributors are applied. All of the Contributors are always applied. But it is possible to influence the creation of Services by choosing how they get transformed.
More extensive information on Service detection rules can be found here.
Schema ID | Schema groups | Scope |
builtin:service-detection.full-web-service |
| environment |
GET | Managed | https://{your-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/settings/schemas/builtin:service-detection.full-web-service |
SaaS | https://{your-environment-id} | |
Environment ActiveGate | https://{your-activegate-domain}/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/settings/schemas/builtin:service-detection.full-web-service |
To execute this request, you need an access token with Read settings (
) scope. To learn how to obtain and use it, see Tokens and authentication.
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Enabledenabled | boolean | - | required |
Rule namename | text | - | required |
Descriptiondescription | text | - | optional |
Management zonesmanagementZones | set | Define a management zone of the process group for which this service detection rule should be created. | required |
Service identifier contributorsidContributors | idContributorsType | Contributors to the Service Identifier calculation. All of the Contributors are always applied. | required |
Conditionsconditions | condition[] | A list of conditions necessary for the rule to take effect. If multiple conditions are specified, they must all match a Request for the rule to apply. If there is no condition at all, the rule is always applied. Conditions are evaluated against attributes, but do not modify them. | required |
The idContributorsType
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Detect as web request servicedetectAsWebRequestService | boolean | Detect the matching requests as full web services (false) or web request services (true). Setting this field to true prevents detecting of matching requests as full web services. A web request service is created instead. If you need to further modify the resulting web request service, you need to create a separate Full web request rule ( | required |
Application identifierapplicationId | serviceIdContributor | - | required |
URL context rootcontextRoot | contextIdContributor | The context root is the first segment of the request URL after the Server name. For example, in the | required |
Server nameserverName | serviceIdContributor | - | required |
Web service namewebServiceName | serviceIdContributor | - | required |
Web service namespacewebServiceNamespace | serviceIdContributor | - | required |
The condition
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Take the value of this attributeattribute | text | - | required |
Apply this operationcompareOperationType | text | - | required |
ValuestextValues | set | If multiple values are specified, at least one of them must match for the condition to match | required |
ValuestagValues | set | If multiple values are specified, at least one of them must match for the condition to match | required |
ValueintValue | integer | - | required |
ValuesintValues | set | - | required |
FromipRangeFrom | text | - | required |
ToipRangeTo | text | - | required |
Technologyframework | Set<frameworkType> |
| required |
Ignore caseignoreCase | boolean | Ignore case sensitivity for texts. | required |
The serviceIdContributor
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Transform this value before letting it contribute to the Service IdenableIdContributor | boolean | - | required |
serviceIdContributor | transformationSet | - | required |
The contextIdContributor
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Transform this value before letting it contribute to the Service IdenableIdContributor | boolean | - | required |
serviceIdContributor | contextRoot | - | required |
The transformationSet
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Contribution typecontributionType | enum | Defines whether the original value should be used or if a transformation set should be used to override a value or transform it.
| required |
Value overridevalueOverride | valueOverride | The value to be used instead of the detected value. | required |
Transformationstransformations | transformation[] | Choose how to transform a value before it contributes to the Service Id. Note that all of the Transformations are always applied. Transformations are applied in the order they are specified, and the output of the previous transformation is the input for the next one. The resulting value contributes to the Service Id and can be found on the Service overview page under Properties and tags. | required |
The contextRoot
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Contribution typecontributionType | enum | Defines whether the original value should be used or if a transformation set should be used to override a value or transform it.
| required |
Value overridevalueOverride | valueOverride | The value to be used instead of the detected value. | required |
Segments to copy from URL pathsegmentCount | integer | The number of segments of the URL to be kept. The URL is divided by slashes (/), the indexing starts with 1 at context root. For example, if you specify 2 for the | required |
Transformationstransformations | reducedTransformation[] | Choose how to transform a value before it contributes to the Service Id. Note that all of the Transformations are always applied. Transformations are applied in the order they are specified, and the output of the previous transformation is the input for the next one. The resulting value contributes to the Service Id and can be found on the Service overview page under Properties and tags. | required |
The valueOverride
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Valuevalue | text | - | required |
The transformation
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Transformation typetransformationType | enum | Defines what kind of transformation will be applied on the original value.
| required |
prefixprefix | text | - | optional |
suffixsuffix | text | - | optional |
replacementreplacementValue | text | - | optional |
split bysplitDelimiter | text | - | optional |
select indexselectIndex | integer | - | required |
min digit countminDigitCount | integer | - | required |
include hexadecimal numbersincludeHexNumbers | boolean | - | required |
segment countsegmentCount | integer | How many segments should be taken. | required |
take from endtakeFromEnd | boolean | - | required |
The reducedTransformation
Property | Type | Description | Required |
Transformation TypetransformationType | enum | Defines what kind of transformation will be applied on the original value.
| required |
prefixprefix | text | - | optional |
suffixsuffix | text | - | optional |
replacementreplacementValue | text | - | optional |
min digit countminDigitCount | integer | - | required |
include hexadecimal numbersincludeHexNumbers | boolean | - | required |